Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Orb Veils" and "Orb Donuts"

Photo date: March 17 and 18, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have repeatedly photographed strange veil-like structures while photographing water drops. Let me show some of them. The photos below are nothing but flash photos of pure, clean water.

Here is one such "veil":

orb veil
Here are two others:

orb veil
Here are two others (at the bottom), along with strange "donut" orbs at the top, orbs with holes in them.

While I am mentioning orb "donuts" I should also include the photo below, which includes another example.

Here is an "orb donut" in front of a most unusual orange-colored "orb veil" (I used the "Auto-adjust colors" menu option in IrfanView to bring out the color).

orb veil
Here is what looks like another "orb donut" in front of an "orb veil."

Finally here is one other photo showing these mysterious orb veils.

orb veil
For additional photos of this strange phenomenon, see my posts labeled "orb veils."

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