Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Green Orb and Orange Orb Join the Sky Orb Party

Photo date: September 15, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below shows a street in New York City. We see a swarm of orbs in the sky.

The photo above was taken at 9:00 PM, and the next photo (taken a few seconds later, also at 9:00 PM) was of a piece of cardboard at arm's length. As in all of the 34 times I have tried this just after photographing many orbs, this cardboard test showed not a single orb, suggesting that what I was photographing was not any particles such as dust near the camera.

The next photo (taken at 9:01 PM) showed many orbs in the sky, including a large green orb and an orange orb.

sky orbs

There was no fog, mist, rain, or precipitation on this night. The air quality listed on was "moderate," with a rating of 52 that was almost low enough to qualify as "good."

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