Sunday, November 22, 2015

I Hope This Dream Was Not Precognitive

Last night I had a weird dream. In the dream I was working at the top of a huge skyscraper, and heard that there was a missing jet. I spotted the jet, and opened up some hangar door at the top of the skyscraper. The jet landed inside the building, on the top floor.

At first I thought this was just goofy, but then I realized that if you try to summarize this dream in a very short sentence, you would write: jet enters into skyscraper.  That's what happened on September 11, 2001.

About a year before the September 11 attacks, I had a dream that I was standing inside the World Trade Center when the floor underneath started to collapse, and I plunged uncontrollably. Something like that occurred when the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed (which I luckily escaped by using the stairs).  Let's hope my dream of today does not turn out to be precognitive.

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