Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day of the Mysterious Orb Veils

Photo date: December 10, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photos below were taken while photographing nothing but ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling against a dark featureless background.  On this day I photographed four of the strange objects I call orb veils.

Here is the first one, showing a blue orb veil. These things are usually whitish, often orange, occasionally blue and very rarely red.

blue orb veil
Below is another one, which had the more common orange color. This one had an apparent height of about 7 inches.

orange orb veil
Here is another one showing what looks like a stack of three congruent orb veils.

strange blob
Here is one more, which also shows what looks a congruent stack of orb veils.

paranormal photo
Below is a closeup of part of the photo above. We see three of the objects I call orb crescents: one red, one blue, and one white.

red crescent

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