Monday, April 16, 2018

A Briefly Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon in which people are aware they are dreaming.  Supposedly you can increase the chance of you having a lucid dream if you make a log of your dreams, and also say to yourself something like, "When I dream, I'll be aware that I'm just dreaming" several times when you are waiting to fall to sleep.

I tried this technique about a week without any luck until last night. In my dream I said to myself, "I am dreaming." I was aware that I was just dreaming.  Some people say that this can turn into a pleasurable situation in which you can control your own dreams. But so far every time that I have become aware that I was dreaming, I felt kind of uncomfortable. I had a kind of awareness of being in a sleepy not-fully-conscious state, which then leads me to have a "Ugh, I better wake myself up" kind of thought. And so I woke myself up intentionally soon after thinking "I am dreaming" in my dream.

Maybe things will get more interesting if I try to cultivate lucid dreaming some more.

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