Friday, January 10, 2025

A Smoke Alarm Triggered From the Great Beyond?

 Less than an hour ago a very strange thing happened in the house where I live. The house's state-of-the-art Google Nest smoke alarm system went off, causing smoke alarms to go off all over the house. I and another occupant of the house looked in every room, and found no trace of any smoke or mist. No one was cooking at the time. The last person to cook was myself. I had taken a few minutes to make an omelet about 25 minutes before the smoke alarm went off, but I had used the ventilator fan, and had turned off the gas. The electrically powered smoke alarms of the house are all on the ceiling, 9 feet or higher than the floor below them.  There was no electricity anomaly. 

We have the mystery of what caused the smoke alarm to go off. There was no sign of any smoke or mist in any room of the house when the alarm went off; there was no odd smell anywhere;  and all occupants are non-smokers.  The whole house was clean, and no one in the house or its yard had been doing anything this day to raise dust, or anything unusual  The Google Nest system (which gives audible messages) said the alarm came from "the den."  There is no room in the house we call a den. Conceivably someone setting up the system may have labeled one of the house's rooms as "the den." 

I have an interesting speculation that could conceivably explain the event. Maybe the event was caused by communication from the Great Beyond. My late father's name was Dean. Imagine that you are some invisible power that has the ability to make a fleeting manifestation in our world. You might choose some type of manifestation that has a  resemblance to your name. So if I died and my soul survived and I wanted to leave some manifestation indicating I had survived death, I might perhaps leave a mysterious mark on the wall.  That mark might be a sign that some manifestation had come from Mark. (The English word "mark" meaning a variety of things including "a small area having a different color from its surrounding" has the same spelling as my name Mark.)

In this case the word  "den" resembles my late father's name: Dean. How would a deceased Dean try to leave a sign? Maybe by triggering a smoke alarm in a way that would cause it  to speak a word ("den") close to the sound of his name, Dean. Of course, this hypothesis is highly speculative. 

I do know that the same smoke detector mysteriously went off (when there was no smoke or mist in the house)  on the night a relative of mine died far away, as I reported here.  See my post here for something very spooky that happened where I live on my late father's birthday.

I get many mysterious-seeming events like this where I live, such as my PlayStation machine mysteriously turning on by itself ten times on ten different days, and a green light in the bathroom mysteriously turning off and on dozens of times. 

In the nineteenth century a huge number of people reported seeing dramatic signs they interpreted as manifestations from the dead. To read about the reports, read my "Spookiest Years" series herehereherehereherehereherehere, here, herehere,  herehere and here.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Ghost Expert Suggested : Don't Ignore Orbs

On page 314 of the January 31, 1890 edition of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, which you can read here, we have a long article by the extremely accomplished psychology and parapsychology scholar Frederic W. H. Myers.  On page 332 Myers stated this while discussing apparition sightings, using the term "phantasmal figure" to refer to an apparition:

"Sometimes we have the phantasmal figure seen as though illuminated on a dark background. Sometimes it appears as in a disc or oval of light. Sometimes its contour is indistinct, and it resembles a luminous cloud, either for the first moments of its appearance or throughout all its stay. Sometimes there is no figure at all, but a phantasmal 'ball of light,' or a brilliant diffused glow, which seems a sufficiently unique experience, and coincides sufficiently closely with a death, to have some claim to rank as a veridical phantasm. Now from all this I argue that the phantasmogenetic agency at work-whatever that may be-may be able to produce effects of light more easily than definite figures."

We have here a fascinating speculation by one of history's greatest scholars of anomalous phenomena: the speculation that maybe visible orbs appear when mysterious psychic powers are producing their less dramatic efforts, with full human forms appearing when more vigorous or successful efforts occur.  Similarly, it takes much less effort for you to quickly bang on your neighbor's door to alert him than for you to write a note and slip it under the door. 

Perhaps for some mysterious unseen agency there is an "easiest, harder, hardest" situation in which orbs visible only in photographs are the easiest effects, orbs visible to the naked eye are the harder effects, and full apparitions in human form (such as translucent apparitions) are the hardest effects to produce. 

Frederic Myers was the author of the monumental two-volume work Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, which you can read online here and here

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 6)

 Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My 2018 photo below shows a large mysterious orb near a tower. 

blue orb in sky

My photo below from 2018 shows a large mysterious orb near a building in New York City. 

blue orb in sky

Another 2018 photo of mine  shows one orb much larger than another:

sky mysteries

 Another 2018 photo I took shows a large orb near a building:

translucent sky orb

This 2018 photo I took shows a brighter and smaller orb apparently in front of a larger orb with a different color:

orb eclipse

This 2018 photo I took shows a large mysterious orb:

sky anomaly

This 2018 photo I took makes me wonder whether a sky orb found a nice place to rest. 

weird orb

My photo below from 2017 shows what looks like a big large speeding orb near the Met Life building in Manhattan:

bright speeding orb

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Humans May Show Sheldrake's Pet ESP Effect Regarding Returning House Occupants

The biologist Rupert Sheldrake carefully documented an effect involving dogs who seemed to know or sense when their owners had almost returned from trips outside the house. Sheldrake documented that certain pets tend to wait near the door a few minutes before their owners return, even though their senses provide no basis for any suspicion that their owners are about to return. You can see some of Sheldrake's research on this topic at the link below:

Claims sometimes made by skeptics that such research was not replicated in a test by Wiseman are refuted by Sheldrake here, where he states that the data gathered by Wiseman actually supports Sheldrake's claim about this topic. 

I myself notice an effect similar to the pet ESP effect documented by Sheldrake, but involving myself and family members leaving the house. I typically only look out the front window rarely. But again and again I seem to look out the front window just at the moment that some family member silently approaches the front gate after having been away for quite some time. This happened again today. Two family members left for a shopping trip of more than an hour. It seemed that I did not look out the window during their whole trip, except for the very moment they were approaching the front gate. I have had remarkable successes in informal ESP tests with some of the same family members, as discussed here. About 1975 I had an amazingly successful ESP test with a sister, described at the beginning of my long interesting post here

The reality of telepathy or ESP in humans is well-proven by hundreds of years of observations and rigorous experiments, some of which you can read about here, here, and in the 67 series of posts here (you can read the whole series by continuing to press Older Posts at the bottom right after using that link). In 1941 the editors of Scientific American confessed that telepathy was proven, as I document in my post here

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A Striped Orb

 Photo date: January 1, 2025. Photographer: Mark Mahin 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

stripe orb

Ghosts in the News, Part 7

 Here is the latest in a series of videos I am making. 

If you have trouble viewing the embedded video above, try the Youtube link here.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Orange Orbs in NYC Sky?

 In today's Daily Mail we have this headline:

Bright orange 'UFO orbs' appearing over NYC have everyone asking the same question

You can read the story here. We get a video showing four orbs in the sky, collectively forming a kind of boomerang shape (if you do "connect the dots" on the four little circles).