Thursday, February 20, 2025

An Orb Gradually Forming Into the Figure of a Child?

The 500+ page book "Essays From the Unseen" (which you can read here) is a massive 1885 testimonial by a person claiming to have seen many paranormal wonders.  We do not know the author's name, as he puts only a name of A. T. T. P on his title page. As evidence for the paranormal the book must be classified as less than first-class, only because of the author's refusal to give his name. There were very many people in the nineteenth century who claimed to have seen similar wonders, but who boldly gave their full names (and often even their addresses) when reporting their observations. When you have such a situation, the person too timid to give his name must be classified as a second-class witness. 

The orb-relevant part of the book comes on page 45, when the author states this:

"On one occasion I was sitting at No. 15, Southampton Row, in the company of several others, the Sensitives present being Miss Wood, and a Lady of the name of Fairlamb, and Mr. Herne, a well-known medium, when the figure of a small negro child of four or five years of age, whether boy or girl I did not know, gradually formed from a Ball of light at my feet. I put my hand on the crisp Negro hair of the child. This figure afterwards disappeared in the same manner as it formed, that is, gradually."

We should not exclude this claim merely because of its fantastic-sounding claim, as many similar wonders were reported by witnesses who gave their names and all the details of their observations, including relevant dates and places of observation. You can read about some of their accounts by looking at the 11 posts here

Monday, February 17, 2025

Pairs and Trios of Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 3)

Below are some photos I previously took of pairs and trios of mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

Below is my 2017 photo showing a very unusual pair of peach-colored sky orbs near a building in New York. 

orange sky orb

Below from 2018 is my photo showing two sky orbs near a building. 

orbs in pictures

My 2018 photo below shows two orbs near St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. 

blue sky orb

In my 2018 photo below you may notice the second orb, as it overshadowed by the transparent orb above it. 

purple blue sky orb

My 2018 photo below shows two blue sky orbs:

blue orbs in sky

My 2018 photo below shows two transparent sky orbs seeming to nuzzle each other

transparent blue orbs in sky

My 2017 photo below shows a pair of sky orbs:

sky pair

My photo below from 2017 rather seems to show a procession of three purple sky orbs:


Below are two photos I took of sky orb pairs in 2017. 

sky orbs

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bright, With Two Features

 Photo date: February 15, 2025. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Do We All Start Out as Orbs?

Below (from page 153 of the document here) is a quotation from a writer who claims to be summarizing what he has read in other texts:

"In consonance with the foregoing extracts from various authors, we are led to summarize as follows: 

Man is a detached portion of spirit essence from the Deific Center. 

He is endowed with deific attributes. 

The detached portion of spirit essence is in the form of a globe or resembling a spherical ball of light

This globule or spheroid is dual in its nature and possesses the sex qualities of male and female, or positive and negative principles of relationship.

In the course of time the spherical globe is attracted to earth on magnetic or electrical waves and, dividing, take up their abode in the human fetus as separate entities at the moment of conception."

I don't know whether this speculation is correct, but I do know that the origin of each human body is a miracle of organization a thousand miles over the heads of today's scientists, who have no credible explanation for such a marvel of hierarchical assembly, particularly given the lack of any specification in DNA or its genes of how to make a human body or any of its organs or any of its cells. Very many scientists have lied about this topic, trying to explain the origin of a human body by telling the fairy tale that DNA or its genes have a blueprint for building a human body. No such thing exists in DNA or its genes.  The hierarchical organization of the human body is depicted in the diagram below. None of the seven higher levels of organization are specified by DNA or its genes. In the post here I quote dozens of scientists confessing that DNA or its genes are no program, blueprint or recipe for building a human body. 

DNA is not a body blueprint

Besides lacking any credible explanation for how there occurs the progression from a speck-sized zygote to the vast state of hierarchical organization that is a full human body, scientists lack any credible explanation for the origin of human minds.  For a discussion of very many reasons why there is no credibility in  the "brains make minds" dogma of scientists, see my site here

For a post describing the failure of scientists to credibly explain the origin of the minds and bodies of adults humans, see my post here, entitled "Why We Do Not Understand the Origin of Any Adult Human Being."  The failure is of the greatest philosophical importance, as it points to the necessity of postulating a purposeful causal reality greater than humans. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

They Saw a Weird Sky Orb for 10+ Minutes

 On pages 104-105 of the December, 1905 edition of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (Volume 19), which you can read here, we read this 1905 account of observations by about five witnesses of a strange spherical object in the sky:

"One correspondent (see 27o) reports that his attention was called, during the service, to a 'ball of light about the size of the moon,' with a slight mist over it. Then stars began to shoot out around it, the light rose higher and grew brighter but smaller. Another at the same gathering describes the light as a 'block of fire' rising from the mountain side and moving along for about 200 or 300 yards. It went upwards, a star 'shot out to meet it, and they clapped together and formed into a ball of fire.'  The form changed into something like the helm of a ship. The appearance lasted about a quarter of an hour. This deponent went home to fetch his wife to see the light, but from his house he saw nothing, although the house faces the same mountain side. Returning to the square he again saw it (see 27i). A third witness says that the light was a ball of fire, 'glittering and sparkling,'  and it seemed to be 'bubbling over' (27c). A Mrs. J. and her daughters saw the light at 12.30 a.m. as a ball of fire, white, silvery, vibrating, stationary. Mrs. J. also saw two streamers of grey mist emanating from the ball and in the space between them a number of stars (27rf)....Another witness, whose account lias not been written, described his vision to me as a ball of fire with 4 or 5 pillars of light on the left of the ball, the intervening space containing no stars. He was standing near the last-named witnesses. It will be sufficient here to point out that whilst all the witnesses saw a ball of fire, each saw something in connection therewith not mentioned by the others. All agree in thinking that the duration of the light was from 10 to 15 minutes, but whether 'vision ' minutes are of the same duration as those of solar time remains to be proved."

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bright and Rather Yellow

 Photo date: February 8, 2025. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Pairs and Trios of Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 2)

Below are some photos I previously took of pairs and trios of mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My 2018 photo below shows mysterious sky orbs with different colors:

My 2018 photo below shows two orbs near a US flag.

orbs near flag

My 2018 photo below shows two sky orbs near a building in New York City. 

mysterious orb pair

My 2018 photo below shows a pair of mysterious orbs next to the same building, the Marco LaGuardia hotel in the Flushing area of New York City. 

big sky orb

In front of the same hotel I also photographed the rare pink and green orb you can see here. My post here shows two dramatic orange orbs near this hotel. 

My 2018 photo below shows a pair of sky orbs that seem like a cozy couple: I see three differences between the orbs: they are different shades of blue; one is transparent, and the other is not; and one has an outer ring and the other does not.

blue orbs in sky

My 2018 photo below makes me wonder whether the mysterious orbs were following the jet:

 orbs near jet

My 2018 photo below shows two mysterious orbs near the United Nations building in New York City. 

sky orbs near UN building

My 2018 photo below shows three blue orbs near St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York:

orbs above St. Patrick's cathedral

My 2018 photo below also shows two mysterious orbs near the United Nations building in New York City. 

UN orbs