Saturday, July 16, 2022

My Prediction About Mysterious Purple Flowers Quickly Came True

My late mother's favorite color was purple, and she was very fond of wearing purple clothes. The last conversation I had with my late sister (occurring quite a few years ago) was one involving the paranormal and a purple flower. I asked my sister whether she had ever experienced something paranormal or something she could not explain. She told me she had some experience involving a purple flower she could not explain. It seems that after my mother's death there were some purple flowers that had appeared  unexpectedly in my sister's garden, and a purple flower that had survived way longer than expected. I cannot recall precisely all the details, but I remember my sister saying that a purple flower from her garden had survived for years in her refrigerator. My sister seemed to think that this may have been some supernatural or paranormal sign related to my mother. 

On June 1 I had the 67th dream I have had of my mother since mid-November 2020 (when I started recording my dreams). The dream was a realistic one. In the dream I was in a store, talking to some woman named Yolande. After pointing to some Christmas decorations, I accurately described my mother's Christmas decoration habits, which were to fill the house with Christmas decorations during the time from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.  How very strange that the name "Yolande" should appear in my dream. Prior to the dream, I had (as best I can recall) never spoken that name, and could not identify anyone (fictional or real) who had that name. Not knowing what the name meant, I looked up the meaning of the name Yolande, and found that it is a name meaning "violet flower."  

How strange that again we should have an association between my mother and purple flowers. Last Monday (July 11) I had another dream about my mother. I dreamed that I found unlocked both the front door and front gate of the house where I now live. In the dream I looked around and found my mother kneeling in the back yard, as if she was gardening. Remembering the previous association with purple flowers and my mother, I made in my mind a prediction. I predicted that purple flowers would mysteriously appear in my back yard, even though no one had planted any flowers in the back yard. The back yard is all concrete, but others in my household have set up two meter-long planter bins  where they are growing vegetables. I thought that purple flowers might soon show up there, even though no one had planted them. 

Today I found purple flowers growing mysteriously in the back yard. They arose from a place where no one would ever plant flowers: in the area underneath the solid white fence that surrounds my back yard. I had not seen any such flowers when I checked for purple flowers in the back yard on Monday. Judging from the current size of the flowers, I would estimate that they started to grow on about Monday, the same day I predicted that mysterious purple flowers would appear, because I had the dream of my mother seeming to be gardening in our back yard. Below is a photo of the flowers. You can see what a "showing up against all odds" affair this was. 

paranormal flowers

Postscript: As of July 26 below is the current state of the flowers shown at top, with pink flowers (or flowers with the "lavender" shade of purple) coming out of the deep purple base.

mysterious flowers

Postscript: Below are the same patch of flowers as of August 17. We see quite a profusion of purple flowers. 

mysterious flowers

On August 21 I found that the entire patch of flowers shown above had vanished. No one in my household had any knowledge of why this occurred. Conceivably this could have been caused by some work by my next door neighbor on the other side of the fence. Six meters away, also from the area under the fence, a new patch of purple flowers has started to grow.  

Post-postscript:  By September 6 the events described above have been overshadowed by more dramatic "rainfall selectivity" events in my back yard, photographically documented in my post here

Below we see the area right next to where the flowers above appeared, as it looked on September 15. The set of purple flowers in the back is another set of unplanted purple flowers that arose two meters away from the original set of unplanted purple flowers that vanished on about August 21. In the front is some unplanted vegetation that includes both purple flowers and purple leaves. The foreground flower seems to be an Amaranth, the species Amaranthus cruentus. A source says, "this flower has been associated with immortality and eternal life because it does not die when cut....This flower is commonly known to symbolize immortality or eternal life." 

mysterious flowers

The same source has a photo of an Amaranth plant that is a very close match for the tube-like flower in the foreground. That source's photo of an Amaranth shows tiny yellow specks inside the purple stalk. I see just such things in this closeup of the flower above:

immortality flower

The source says this:

"Amaranth is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries as an important food and medicine. Amaranth in the Bible can be traced back to Biblical times when it was considered holy, and Jesus Christ himself may have eaten this cereal grain. The word amaranth means 'everlasting.' ” 

Amaranth flowers are rare in New York City where I live. You will have to walk an average of about 1 mile before seeing one. 

Post-post-post postscript: Now in the spring of 2023, I find a whole bunch more unplanted purple flowers, this time in the front yard of the house where I live. This is despite there being lots of wood chips that should have prevented them arising in such numbers. 

Post-post-post-post postscript
: Just after finishing this blog post relating to the possibility of me having got a manifestation from the deceased, I left to go on a walk, and I noticed nothing unusual regarding the tree in front of my front gate. Arriving back about 30 minutes later, the tree had this bag stuck on it, with a very noticeable appearance about five feet up from the ground. 

The wind speed was only 5 miles per hour, apparently ruling out the idea of the wind blowing this bag up to the height I found it while I was on my walk. The bag has on it a purple flower pattern, which has a special afterlife-related significance in my family's lore, as I discuss above.

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