Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Spooky Slide

I continue with great frequency to have dreams that seem to symbolize life after death. By now I have had more than two hundred such dreams, which are all described in this post. An example is the dream I had this morning. I had a dream I was at my home, looking at an open trash can that had at its top a discarded envelope. The envelope was for a letter that I had sent to England, and which had been returned to me unopened. Only the envelope was in the trash, not the letter. The discarded envelope seems to symbolize the idea that when we die we discard a body that is a mere envelope for the soul. The round trip of the letter (going on a long journey and returning back to its home and source of origin) may symbolize the idea that after death a soul returns to its heavenly source, possibly (according to the idea of the soul's non-earthly pre-existence) a place where it lived before (its real home). 

This morning I was in my bathroom, standing and thinking about all the dreams I have had that seemed to symbolize life after death. As I had such a thought, the bottle of mouthwash shown below mysteriously slid off the top of my toilet, falling to the ground.  The bottle was not near the edge of the toilet, but in the position shown below. It was just as if some mysterious power had sent some sign while I was thinking about life after death, as a way of accentuating such an idea. 

Postscript: The same event described above happened again on August 6, 2022 (4 days later), under identical physical circumstances (I was again standing in the bathroom when the event occurred). The bottle was in the same position shown above, and fell to the left, falling to the ground. In October 2022 the same thing happened. An air freshener in the same position shown in the photo above fell to the ground, while I was in a different room. 

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