Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Spooky Evening

This morning (a Sunday) I woke up around 3:00 AM, and went to use the bathroom.  Alone in my apartment, I noticed a table lamp was on in a bedroom that is normally slept in but which was empty on this night.  I'm quite sure that the light was off when I went to bed around 12:30 AM.  No one other than me had been in the apartment since about 10:00 AM on Saturday, and I had taken a photo of the bedroom at 4:06 PM on Saturday showing the light in question was off.

It occurred to me that this was just the latest in a long series of spooky occurrences.  This table lamp has turned on "by itself" one time before today, in 2018.  Another lamp (plugged directly into the wall) turned on "by itself" years ago, while I was sitting about a meter away from it.  Over the course of some 15 months, I have 18 times seen the flashlight on the back of my Samsung tablet turn on mysteriously while the tablet was turned off and recharging. I know of no way to get the flashlight on the tablet back to turn on while the tablet is turned off and recharging.  Four times my toilet mysteriously flushed by itself, twice on October 31, 2016, and twice on October 21, 2017.  The toilet is a type without any tank or flotation ball, a type in which "ghost flushing" (which can occur in toilets with tanks) should be impossible.  I have seen many cases of a battery-powered toothbrush turning on by itself.  My Samsung tablet has rebooted or turned off unexpectedly quite a few times, something I have seen in several other electronic devices around the house.

Then there have been 20+ anomalies involving a television set and a sound machine I have, such as the machines switching their channels or states mysteriously when no one touched them.  For example, the other day I was simply holding a remote, without trying to use it, and I see 1-0-0-0 come up on my TV screen, with the TV switching to channel 1000.

At the end of February in my apartment there was something odd I had never seen before. I turned on a faucet to wash my hands, and while drying my hands on a nearby towel, the faucet seemed to turn off by itself.  The faucets in my apartment are old-style faucets that have none of the automatic shut-off capability of high-tech faucets.

The idea that there may be some invisible realm of existence that mysteriously interacts with our own is discussed in my essay here.  The strongest evidence for such a possibility are many events far more dramatic than any I have witnessed.  You can read about some of those events in this series of 47 posts, or in Nandor's Encyclopedia of Psychic Science available here or in the Psi Enclyclopedia of the Society for Psychical Research available here.  Many a scientist will exclude the possibility of some invisible force that may show itself in human homes, but scientists themselves nowadays are asking us to believe in several very mysterious spooky invisible influences such as dark matter, dark energy and quantum entanglement.

Below is a photo I took about 3:00 AM showing the table lamp turned on.  The flowers were not touching the lamp.   There were no pets or person except myself in the apartment, and the lamp was far away from the nearest window, which was only open about an inch.

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