Thursday, July 29, 2021

Triangles Above the Orb Holes

Photo date: July 29, 2021. Photographer: Mark Mahin.   

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  We see orbs that have a triangular feature above a large hole on the left side of the orbs. 

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

In the photos below we see the pattern becoming more complex, with two additional features on the right.  

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

orb hole and orb veil

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