Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Cubes in UFO Orbs, Seen for Eight Years?

People are talking about today's US Congress hearing on UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).   At the 1:09:45 mark of the video embedded in the news report here,  pilot Ryan Graves is asked about common characteristics of strange things seen in the sky. Graves says, "We were primarily seeing dark gray or black cubes inside of a clear sphere...and that was primarily what was being reported...That occurred over almost eight years, and as far as I know it still occurred.." Referring to objects traveling at twice the speed of sound (Mach One), later Graves says. "The objects that we were seeing, they were spherical, and they were observed up to Mach Two, which is a very...non-aerodynamic shape."

At the link here you can read a transcript of the entire testimony. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Fast and Bright

 Photo date: July 24, 2023. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors.

fast orb

Monday, July 24, 2023

Confounding Ceiling

 Photo date: July 23, 2023. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious green orb I photographed near a smoke detector. 

mysterious green orb

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Bledsoe's Riveting Orb Story

In the Daily Mail today we have a very interesting story about orbs. We hear that in 2007 Christopher Bledsoe was at a low point, when he kind of cried out for spiritual help.  He quickly saw two colored orbs. Bledsoe says that orbs have appeared over his house every night. We read that  Bledsoe has captured 2000 videos of orbs flying over his home. The article shows a photo of a mysterious green orb looking like one of the 250+ mysterious green orbs I have photographed. Bledsoe says that NASA expressed interest. 

We hear that there will be a TV program discussing Bledsoe's claims. A tip to web video makers or TV producers: my photographic work on orbs could fill up a great TV series episode or Youtube video;  and under the terms of my Creative Commons license displayed on this blog, you don't even have to pay me for displaying my photos (but merely have a link to this site). 

The writer of the article tells us "there were dozens of UFO sightings over North Carolina in 2022, and all appeared to be the same as what Bledsoe had experienced - glowing orbs hovering in the air."

The article suggests that Bledsoe may be able to summon orbs upon demand.  At the link here we have a long interview with Bledsoe, who sounds like a calm and sincere person.  But alas, I am unable to find online any substantive photographic evidence produced by Bledsoe. It could well exist, but I simply haven't found it. If someone else has found such a thing, please leave a URL link as a comment on this post.  What I'm looking for is photos or videos of his orbs, not just interviews with Bledsoe. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Six Photos From the Same Position, Taken in Quick Succession

 Photo date: July 10, 2023. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below six consecutive non-flash photos I took in quick succession, from the same spot at the bottom of a stairway which has 14 steps.  We see a strange "stairway to the light" effect. The camera does not produce any such effect when I photograph in other places. 

spooky stairway

Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Mystical-Looking Effect

 Photo date: July 2, 2023. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Below we see a strange effect I got intermittently today when photographing a stair that looked to my eye merely like the photo at right. I got the mystical-looking effect on and off, even after carefully wiping my lens to make sure there was no vapor or moisture on it. 

mysterious light surge

Below are consecutive photos, this time without a flash:

Postscript: The next day the effect appeared even more dramatically, in these two non-flash photos taken a few seconds apart.

mystical light

One day later the effect appeared again, in these non-flash photos taken a few seconds apart:

mystical stair

One day later the effect appeared more strongly than ever (in the first photo). We see three  non-flash photos taken a few seconds apart:

spooky stairway