Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rise of the Sky Orbs?

Below is a quote from the current front page of the National UFO Reporting Center.

For more than a decade, our Center has attempted to call to the attention of the public the frequent reports of clusters of red, orange, and yellow fireballs…a phenomenon which appears to us to have suddenly increased in magnitude, beginning in approximately late May 2012.  If anything, the frequency of such reports has increased over the last 3-4 years....We have not counted the reports in this posting that allude to these colorful “orbs” or “fireballs,” but we estimate that type of report constitutes easily half of the reports for the last two months, and we believe ranges to as high as 70-80 percent of them.  What makes the reports of keen interest to NUFORC, and to other UFO organizations, as well, is that no one understands what the fireballs are, or where they come from. 

An example is this recent sighting of a dozen red-orange lights moving silently above a lake for 5 to 8 minutes.

We can only ask: when is the world going to wake up and smell the coffee in regard to orbs, by realizing the reality of this phenomenon? I don't know, but keep checking this site for dramatic photo evidence of this phenomenon.

 Below are some sky orbs I photographed above a building, on January 6, 2016 on a night with no rain, fog, mist or precipitation. One of the orbs was green and another was red.

sky orbs

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