Monday, January 25, 2016

Eerie Ecto-mist in Front of the Freedom Tower

Photo date: January 21, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below shows the newly constructed One World Trade Center, sometimes called the Freedom Tower. We see in front of the building an example of the strange phenomenon called ecto-mist.


The phenomenon of unexplained plasma-like clouds photographed at ground level is visually documented at this site, at this site, in Mya Gleny's site here,  in the book "The Orb Project" by Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D, and in the book "Beyond Photography: Encounters with Orbs, Angels and Light-Forms," by  Katie Hall and John Pickering. The photo discussed here is consistent with these reports.  These anomalies are sometimes called "light forms" or "plasma clouds," although a Google image search for "ghostly mist" or "ecto-mist" will show the most examples.  Many photographers have photographed such an anomaly.

It was a cold night, so why do I think that this was not just my breath? I have several reasons. For one thing, I was holding my camera (with a fairly large view screen) at arm's length, and that's a distance too far for breath from my mouth to reach in front of the camera. Secondly, I took a test photo after this, blowing out as hard as I could; and the color of the resulting "breath cloud" was different from the color we see here. Third, we see some fairly sharp lines here that you almost never see if you try to photograph your own breath (which will look very amorphous and line-less). Fourth, the ecto-mist forms a kind of animal-like shape, looking rather like an elephant. That is something very often seen when ecto-mist is photographed.

There was no weather-related fog, mist, rain or precipitation when this photo was taken, nor was there any smoke.

See here for several other similar photos I have taken, some in weather that was not cold.

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