Sunday, December 29, 2024

Orange Orbs in NYC Sky?

 In today's Daily Mail we have this headline:

Bright orange 'UFO orbs' appearing over NYC have everyone asking the same question

You can read the story here. We get a video showing four orbs in the sky, collectively forming a kind of boomerang shape (if you do "connect the dots" on the four little circles). 

Position States?

 Photo date December 28, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below what looks like three position states of a fast-moving orb. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 5)

 Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My 2018 photo here shows a strange sky orb:

big blue sky orb

My photo below from 2018 shows a big sky orb. 

perching orb

My 2018 photo here makes me wonder whether mysterious sky orbs are attracted to lights:

sky orb near light

My 2018 photo here shows a mysterious orb spooking the spires of St. Patrick's Cathedral:

blue orb near cathedral

My 2018 photo here shows a sky orb with a spherical look to it:

spherical-looking blue orb in sky

My 2018 photo here shows a strange sky orb with a square-like feature:

sky orb with internal square

Another 2018 post of mine showed a sky orb with an even bigger rectangular mark:

orb hole

The same post of mine showed this large sky orb:

blue orb in sky

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Spooky Yuletide

A few minutes ago I was just reading up on the case of Luiz Antonio Gasparetto (1949-2018), a man who would go into trances and produce artworks in the style of great artists such as van Gogh, Manet and Renoir. You can read about him and see some of his art using the link here. Reading about the case, I decided to add a new entry to my long post "120+ Types of Paranormal  or Anomalous Experiences," which you can read here. So I added a line in my classification scheme, typing this line:

11.19 Mediumistic Painting and Drawing 

The word "mediumistic" refers to mediums, persons thought to be able to make contact with the spirits of the dead. 

Just after typing this line, my PlayStation machine mysteriously turned on. When this happens, I cannot fail to notice it, because the machine stops whatever TV show  I am watching, and takes over the TV set, making it look like this:

When this happened, I was alone in the room and sitting on a couch (two meters away from the PlayStation machine); my hands were busy typing; and the TV remote was an arm's length away. The only way to turn on the PlayStation from the couch is to get up and touch a button on the machine, or to use some combination of presses on the TV remote that requires pressing two different buttons.  So the turning on of the PlayStation machine was mysterious and inexplicable. I have seen the PlayStation mysteriously turning on by itself at least seven times in the past three years.. The synchronicity in today's case is interesting, with it occurring a few seconds after I typed a word ("mediumistic") referring to communication with the dead. 

Last night I had a vivid dream that I was demonstrating to someone some mind-over-matter powers. There was an element in the dream that may have symbolized the words "when die."  Could the dream have symbolized that the dead have mind-over-matter powers, and the ability to make physical manifestations in our world?

In the nineteenth century a huge host of witnesses reported during seances mysterious inexplicable movements and levitation of objects, including chairs, heavy tables and musical instruments. To read up about such reports, read my "Spookiest Years" series of posts herehereherehereherehereherehere, here, herehere,  herehereherehereherehere, and here. Such witnesses were very often very good about promptly publishing detailed signed statements testifying to exactly what they had very recently seen, with the signed statements often including the names of several witnesses. 

Postscript: The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on December 29, 2024, under conditions exactly the same as described above, with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away. This is the 8th time I have seen such a thing occurring in the past ten months.  Earlier this day I saw another repetition of the anomaly reported here

Post-postscriptThe event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 1, 2025.  At the moment the PlayStation turned on, I was alone in the room, at a sink, meters away the PlayStation, its controller, and the TV remote. 

Post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 7, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the tenth time I have seen such a thing. 

It is possible for me to turn on the PlayStation from the couch using a particular combination of two button presses (different buttons) on my TV remote. But doing that will cause an intermediate screen to pop up on the TV, and I have never noticed such a screen appearing during one of the times the PlayStation mysteriously turned on. So in the events described in this post, it was just as if some invisible finger has been pressing the On button on the PlayStation machine.  

Post-post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 22, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the eleventh time I have seen such a thing. 

As in the first case reported in this post, the event occurred at a moment when I was  writing about a topic related to life-after-death. At the time the PlayStation mysteriously turned on, I was quoting some of the out-of-body experiences reported in the New York Times here

Post-post-post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on February 6, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the 12th time I have seen such a thing. I noticed that in an adjacent room an alarm clock was now blinking with the current time, just as if might if it had been unplugged and plugged back in at the same time the TV anomaly occurred. 

Post-post-post-post-post-postscript:  On February 27, 2025 I was watching "Mad Men: on the LG Channels station on my TV, with the TV remote an arm's length away, when suddenly my TV started showing what I get when I press the Home button (with a house-shaped icon) on my TV remote.  But no one had pressed the remote. Again, we have an effect like some invisible hand pressing buttons. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 4)

 Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My 2018 photo below shows a large blue orb that looks rather like it is in motion:

speeding blue orb in sky

My 2018 photo below shows a mysterious orb I photographed near a building in New York City. 

blue orb in sky

My 2018 photo below shows a mysterious orb I photographed near a building in New York. We can see some little spots in the orb.

sky strangeness

My 2018 photo below shows a mysterious orb in front of a building. 


My 2018 photo below shows what looks a mysterious orb resting atop a building:

mysterious orb on roof

 My 2018 photos below show mysterious orbs near buildings in New York City. 

mysterious blue orbs in sky

My 2018 photo below shows a "sky orb inside the sky orb" effect. 

orb in orb

My photo below from 2016 shows a large outdoor orb:


My 2018 photo below shows a mysterious blue orb I photographed near a building in New York.

blue orb in sky

Sunday, December 22, 2024

NASA Astronaut Spooked by Orbs

 According to a report in the Express, astronaut Leroy Chiao said that he saw "two metallic spherical orbs" while flying at an altitude of 9000 feet. He says they were about a meter in diameter and about twenty feet away. He says the sighting occurred in August of this year. 

Mystery Orb Lasted 3 Hours

 Below is a news account that appeared in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, Volume 106, Number 294, 14 December 1962.  You can read the full account here

long-lasting mysterious sky orb

There would seem to be no way in which such a thing could be explained as a meteor, since meteors typically appear in the sky for a few seconds, and never more than a small number of minutes. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Dumbfounding Door

A few minutes ago I went out of the back door of the house where I live, to throw some de-icing particles on part of the back lot. I closed the door behind me as I went out of the house. When I approached the door to return to the house, at the moment I was about two feet away from the door  the door mysteriously opened about one foot. There was no noticeable wind gust outside; I could not feel any wind;  and the listed wind speed for my city at this hour is only 13 miles per hour.  There was no one in the house when the door opened. I've never seen the door behave this way before in the years I've lived here.  For another account of a door mysteriously opening, read here

Cracked Circle

 Photo date: December 20, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Ghosts in the News, Part 6

 Here is the latest in a series of videos I am making:

If you have trouble viewing the embedded video above, try the YouTube link here.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 3)

 Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My 2019 photo below shows a very transparent orb:

large translucent sky orb

My 2018 photo below shows one mysterious sky orb larger than the other:

orb pair

My 2018 photo below shows a large sky orb. 

night orb

My 2019 photo below shows a large mysterious orb:

blue sky orb

My 2018 photo below shows an orb looking like it was resting atop a building:

mysterious orb on building top

My 2018 below shows another large sky orb:

blue orb in night sky

My 2018 photo shows a mysterious orb seemingly between two Manhattan towers:

blue orb in sky

My 2018 photos here show two mysterious orbs that both seem to be aligned to the edge of a building:

aligning orbs

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Ghosts in the News Part 5

 Here is the latest in a series of videos I am making. 

If you have trouble viewing the embedded video above, try the YouTube link here.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Yellow Orb

 Photo date: December 11, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

mysterious yellow orb

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 2)

 Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My photo below from 2019 shows a mysterious orb I photographed near a building 

night orb

My photo below from 2019 shows one mysterious blue orb that dwarfed another blue orb. 

blue sky orbs

My photo below from 2019  shows a mysterious orb I photographed near St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York.

 mysterious orb near cathedral

My  photo below from 2016 shows a big orange orb floating above a school in New York City, on a night when the moon was a mere crescent. I've heard of "school spirit"  -- is this what they mean?

orange sky orb

The photo below from 2017 shows a large orange sky orb I photographed in midtown Manhattan. The orb has some light purple markings.

orange sky orb

The photo below from 2017 shows a big colorful orb I photographed above a building in New York City.

red sky orb

The photo below from 2017 shows a mysterious large orb I photographed near a building in New York City. The orb was about 10 percent of the original photo height.  A dust particle would have to be about 1500 microns to appear this large in a photo, but outdoor dust particles have a size of only about 1 micron.

sky thing

My 2018 photos below show mysterious blue orbs near buildings. 

blue sky orbs

The photo below from 2017 (cropped from the top edge of a large photo) shows a multicolored sky orb I photographed. The orb was 10 percent of the total photo height.

multicolored sky orb

The photo below from 2017 shows a large multi-colored orb I photographed in the sky.  The mysterious orb was eleven percent of the original photo height.

multicolored orb

Saturday, December 7, 2024

She Said the Orb Transfigured Into the Face of Her Deceased Son

On page 2 of the December 22, 1888 edition of the Religio-Philosophical Journal (which you can read here), we have an account entitled "A Voice From the Grave" by Amarala Martin. She says she attended a seance, without giving her name, and was merely given a number of 24 to identify her. Amarala reports several phenomena very widely reported at seances: the sound of mysterious voices, the appearance of mysterious luminous phenomena, and the levitation of an object.   In my the first 17 installments of my previous series of "Spookiest Years" posts, I gave a history of the astonishing spiritual manifestations reported between 1848 and 1889, which you can read in my posts hereherehereherehereherehere

here, here, herehere,  hereherehereherehere and here . Amarala's reports of seance phenomena are similar to many reports quoted in those posts. The "direct voice" phenomenon she describes is like the phenomena described in this post. 

Amarala reports this:

"Independent spirit-voices were audible all over the room, many of them addressing their personal friends at the same moment of time. Musical instruments were thrumming and flying about pretty lively, among them a music box which was wound by some invisible force as it sped through the air. It stopped several times and rested on my head and on my lap, seeming much attracted to my locality. After this was repeated several times I felt what seemed like little fingers about my face and little arms around my neck, and heard a whisper saying distinctly:

'Mamma, mamma, I am here; your baby boy Martin. Look, while I try to show myself.'

In an instant there was a ball of light before me just a few inches away and out of it grew a face bearing the image of my child. Seeing it, Mrs. Lord, who was describing a spirit in another part of the circle, cried out, 'Oh! see, see that beautiful boy! Number twenty-four, he says you are his mother.'

The vision faded away before us all, but the voice resumed its story:

'Mamma, I passed away at sunrise one April morning, ...I don’t like this music box like I did my own that you hid in the folds of my dress and buried with me. You couldn’t bear to hear it any more when I was gone, could you?'

Here the investigators inquired whether or not these statements were true, and I told them they were, in every particular; and that only myself and one other person ever knew that the music box was buried with the [child].

It was also utterly impossible for Mrs. x or anyone in the circle to know of it. Here, then, was the little one whose body lay under the blossoms hundreds of miles away, telling me of incidents occurring years before, and proving the continuity of life and love beyond the grave."

Thursday, December 5, 2024

A Blue Orb and an Orange Orb

Photo date: December 3, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below two mysterious orbs I photographed indoors. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Ghosts in the News, Part 4

 Here is the latest in a series of videos I am making. 

If you have trouble viewing the embedded video above, try the Youtube link here or the Facebook link here . 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Big Sky Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 1)

Below are some photos I previously took of large mysterious orbs in the sky. All of the photos were taken in clean, dry air when there was no fog, mist, rain or precipitation. 

My photo below from 2017 shows a big mysterious sky orb that took up a full 11% of the original height of the photo:

big blue orb

The photo below I took in 2017 shows a mysterious orb so large that it looked bigger than the moon, which we see below the orb. 

big mysterious sky orb

The photo below I took in 2017 shows a big mysterious orb that seemed to be moving fast. 

big bright sky orb

The photo below I took in 2017 shows a big mysterious orb above a tiny little orb:

big blue sky  orb

Below is a photo I took in 2017 showing a big mysterious orb that took up a full 12% of the original photo height. 

big mysterious sky orb

 The photo below from 2017 shows a mysterious big blue sky orb:

big blue sky orb

My photo below from 2017 shows a large mysterious blue orb I photographed near a building in New York. The orb took up 10 percent of the original height of the full photo.

big blue orb