Thursday, May 23, 2024

Spooky Hops and Spooky Starts

 On May 21, 2024 I went into the bathroom and stood at least six inches from a tube of creme, which was positioned just exactly as shown in the photo below. Without any imaginable cause, the tube fell forward, landing at the sink drain.  I had not touched the tube in hours.  The same thing happened this morning. I stood at least six inches away from the tube, which I had not touched in more than an hour, when I saw the tube mysteriously fall forward, landing at the sink drain. In both of these cases I am sure that no towel or belt or anything in contact with me came anywhere near the tube. 

A few minutes ago I was alone using my I-Pad, with the TV controller an arm's length away on the couch I sat on,  and the Playstation controller and Playstation machine meters away. I had been watching TV for hours while working on a blog post. Then my Playstation device mysteriously turned on, at about 6:12 PM.  This has happened three times before, as recorded here and  here.  I get both mysterious "turn on" events and mysterious "turn off" events, with 30+ cases of a spooky turn off immediately followed by a spooky turn on. 

After such events, I may be tempted to think "talk about your Spirit Signs."

Postscript (June 4): by now I have seen several  additional repetitions of the spooky hops reported above. I just saw an example a few minutes ago. I stood about 4 inches away from the tube shown below, positioned on the rim of my sink, a tube I had not touched in hours:

While brushing my teeth about  four inches away from the tube, I saw the tube fall off the rim of the sink, falling towards the sink's drain hole. To make sure this could not have been anything I did, I put the tube back in the position shown above, and tried several times to bump my body against the tube in a way that would make it fall from the position shown above. None of these attempts worked. But somehow the tube fell to the sink bottom when I stood four inches away from it. 

Post-postscript (December 29, 2024): In the second half of 2024 I have seen numerous repetitions of this "jumping tube"  phenomenon, including one such event today. 

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