Friday, May 10, 2024

Orbs in Some Near Death Experiences

 On the page here, we have a description of the near-death experience of Reinee Pasarow. She states this  happened after she had a severe injury:

"Then, just like that (clapping her hands), I became a ball of light or energy in the midst of this crowd that was circling a body. I became massively aware, unlike any awareness I had had during physical existence. I was not really aware of myself. I was aware of everyone around me. I was aware of my mother and my neighbors, and my friends and the firemen and what they were thinking and what they were feeling and what they were hoping and what they were praying. This was such a pummeling input of emotion and information that I was all at once overwhelmed and confused, and rather disoriented....And then I became aware that the thing on the sidewalk, that thing that suddenly became a piece of meat to me, was what I had identified as myself before, but had no connection with it other than that I had been with it for a very long time. But it had nothing to do with me because suddenly, I was more of a person than I had ever been before. I was more conscious than I could ever be. I was free of the limitations of being a physical being."

The rest of the experience is very involved, and it makes interesting reading. Another person (Juliet Nightingale) who had a near-death experience states this:

"Even though I was no longer in my physical body, I did have form – a body of sorts. The best way I can describe this is that I felt like a bubble – floating and moving about effortlessly – sometimes very fast … or gently drifting about."

In an interesting description of a near-death experience, Lou Famoso says he saw "five orbs of light."  It seems Lou later came to think of these as corresponding to five children he would eventually father. 

These accounts are on a site that has a long page entitled "Orbs and the Near-Death Experience."  We read, "Many near-death accounts describe encounters with orbs." We read this account by Chris Taylor:

"My first OBE was when I was about 20 years old and was in a cabin on a oil rig 100 miles off the coast of Scotland. I was aware of a spinning orb of red and yellow. I left my body and entered the orb. I watched myself struggling to call out to my mate. He was on the bottom bunk. I returned to my body and told no one of the experience for fear of ridicule."

Virginia Falce reported having an out-of-body experience as doctors were massaging her heart for three minutes, trying to revive her. She said this:

"I felt this absolute sense of love and peace embracing me, pulling me from somewhere. I looked over and could see it was coming from a glowing circle of light.

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