Monday, May 20, 2024

An Orb Morphing Into a Woman?

 In the October 30, 1937 edition of Psychic News, we read an account by J. D. Leisure of visiting a female medium in Detroit, USA. The first page can be read here:

J. D. says he did not identify himself.  He says he saw mysterious forms appear. On the next page, he states this, referring to his deceased father:

'There then appeared a form that was a perfect counterpart of my father. The medium knew nothing of any of my kin....This form parted the curtains and stepped into the middle of the circle, facing me. I arose and stepped out in front of him and took his extended hand in a handshake...His perfect likeness as reflected in this form was still more convincing. ....Size, likeness and personal peculiarities were exact reproductions of the form I knew in earth life as Father."

On the same page we have this stunningly strange account:

"As my father dematerialized, a small luminous spot appeared on the floor near where my father had been standing. One of the circle remarked that it was the spirit light of my father. I thought so, too. But as we watched it, it began to grow larger and when about the size of a large orange it began a whirling motion. The motion increased rapidly in speed and the luminous ball began to assume an upright and elongated shape. Within a few seconds it grew to the height of fully five feet, and the outline of a human figure was plainly discernible. More and more the form developed into a perfect human being -- a beautiful young lady of apparently twenty years. She said she was Mina, the medium's guide. She dematerialized into a luminous cloud, which faded away."

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