Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Telepathic Orb?

 Medium Craig Hamilton-Parker reported some strange orb experiences on page 6 of the February 5, 2000 edition of Psychic News:


Craig recalls this:

"There was a second brilliant flash and the room remain illuminated for some time. The light then folded in on itself and formed into a luminous ball about four feet across in the center of the room and floating at about head height. Jane and I sat speechless as it hovered for what seemed like an eternity but...in reality must have been about thirty seconds. It then shot across the room, out of the door, and toward the living room. I leaped out of bed and gave chase. Seconds later it disappeared leaving no trace."

Craig recalls having this experience as a child:

"As a young child I would experience a ball of light that seemed to read my thoughts -- a manifestation of spirit perhaps? Jane had a peculiar experience one day while alone with her then nine year old daughter Chantal from her first marriage. 'Chantal and I saw a ball of orange light about a foot across hovering in the living room.' says Jane. 'It moved towards us and hovered in the air about three feet in front of us. Chantel was becoming frightened as I put my hand out and tried to touch it. My hand went right through it. There was a swishing sound as the ball of light bounced onto the TV and out of the window.'  " 

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