Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Spooky Yuletide

A few minutes ago I was just reading up on the case of Luiz Antonio Gasparetto (1949-2018), a man who would go into trances and produce artworks in the style of great artists such as van Gogh, Manet and Renoir. You can read about him and see some of his art using the link here. Reading about the case, I decided to add a new entry to my long post "120+ Types of Paranormal  or Anomalous Experiences," which you can read here. So I added a line in my classification scheme, typing this line:

11.19 Mediumistic Painting and Drawing 

The word "mediumistic" refers to mediums, persons thought to be able to make contact with the spirits of the dead. 

Just after typing this line, my PlayStation machine mysteriously turned on. When this happens, I cannot fail to notice it, because the machine stops whatever TV show  I am watching, and takes over the TV set, making it look like this:

When this happened, I was alone in the room and sitting on a couch (two meters away from the PlayStation machine); my hands were busy typing; and the TV remote was an arm's length away. The only way to turn on the PlayStation from the couch is to get up and touch a button on the machine, or to use some combination of presses on the TV remote that requires pressing two different buttons.  So the turning on of the PlayStation machine was mysterious and inexplicable. I have seen the PlayStation mysteriously turning on by itself at least seven times in the past three years.. The synchronicity in today's case is interesting, with it occurring a few seconds after I typed a word ("mediumistic") referring to communication with the dead. 

Last night I had a vivid dream that I was demonstrating to someone some mind-over-matter powers. There was an element in the dream that may have symbolized the words "when die."  Could the dream have symbolized that the dead have mind-over-matter powers, and the ability to make physical manifestations in our world?

In the nineteenth century a huge host of witnesses reported during seances mysterious inexplicable movements and levitation of objects, including chairs, heavy tables and musical instruments. To read up about such reports, read my "Spookiest Years" series of posts herehereherehereherehereherehere, here, herehere,  herehereherehereherehere, and here. Such witnesses were very often very good about promptly publishing detailed signed statements testifying to exactly what they had very recently seen, with the signed statements often including the names of several witnesses. 

Postscript: The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on December 29, 2024, under conditions exactly the same as described above, with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away. This is the 8th time I have seen such a thing occurring in the past ten months.  Earlier this day I saw another repetition of the anomaly reported here

Post-postscriptThe event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 1, 2025.  At the moment the PlayStation turned on, I was alone in the room, at a sink, meters away the PlayStation, its controller, and the TV remote. 

Post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 7, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the tenth time I have seen such a thing. 

It is possible for me to turn on the PlayStation from the couch using a particular combination of two button presses (different buttons) on my TV remote. But doing that will cause an intermediate screen to pop up on the TV, and I have never noticed such a screen appearing during one of the times the PlayStation mysteriously turned on. So in the events described in this post, it was just as if some invisible finger has been pressing the On button on the PlayStation machine.  

Post-post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on January 22, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the eleventh time I have seen such a thing. 

As in the first case reported in this post, the event occurred at a moment when I was  writing about a topic related to life-after-death. At the time the PlayStation mysteriously turned on, I was quoting some of the out-of-body experiences reported in the New York Times here

Post-post-post-post-postscript:  The event of the PlayStation turning on by itself happened again (a few minutes ago) on February 6, 2025.  with me sitting on the couch two meters from the PlayStation machine and its controller, and the untouched TV remote an arm's length away, and no one else in the room.  This is the 12th time I have seen such a thing. I noticed that in an adjacent room an alarm clock was now blinking with the current time, just as if might if it had been unplugged and plugged back in at the same time the TV anomaly occurred. 

Post-post-post-post-post-postscript:  On February 27, 2025 I was watching "Mad Men: on the LG Channels station on my TV, with the TV remote an arm's length away, when suddenly my TV started showing what I get when I press the Home button (with a house-shaped icon) on my TV remote.  But no one had pressed the remote. Again, we have an effect like some invisible hand pressing buttons. 

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