Friday, January 17, 2025

Freaky Friday

A few minutes ago I was alone on the first floor of the house where I live, when a hall ceiling light about six feet behind me turned off by itself. I instantly turned around and saw no one near the light's switch on the first floor. At first rather incredulous that this could have happened, I thought that maybe someone had turned off the light from the second floor. I tried all the light switches on the second floor, next to the stairway leading from the first floor to the second floor, and none of them were capable of turning off the light on the first floor. It could not have been a circuit breaker going off or a lightbulb wearing out, because the light on the first floor turned back on as soon as I tried it. 

Postscript: (January 19): A few minutes ago, I was about to go to bed, and I tried to turn on my sound machine which I run while sleeping, to make a waterfall sound. I accidentally pressed the wrong button on the machine, and turned on a light on the little round sound machine. I turned off that light (which I never use at night), and pressed the right button to turn on the waterfall sound. After going into an adjacent room for a few minutes. I came back to the area of the sound machine, and I was very surprised to find that the light I had turned off a few minutes ago was now back on again. There was no one else in either room.  Other cases of lights turning on or off mysteriously are reported in my "Spookiest Observations" post you can read here

Post-postscript (February 16. 2025): Less than 30 minutes ago, in the same hallway discussed in the first paragraph, the light mysteriously turned off as I was walking down the hallway, with no one else on the floor. I distinctly heard the sound of the button being pressed. 

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