Friday, February 14, 2025

Do We All Start Out as Orbs?

Below (from page 153 of the document here) is a quotation from a writer who claims to be summarizing what he has read in other texts:

"In consonance with the foregoing extracts from various authors, we are led to summarize as follows: 

Man is a detached portion of spirit essence from the Deific Center. 

He is endowed with deific attributes. 

The detached portion of spirit essence is in the form of a globe or resembling a spherical ball of light

This globule or spheroid is dual in its nature and possesses the sex qualities of male and female, or positive and negative principles of relationship.

In the course of time the spherical globe is attracted to earth on magnetic or electrical waves and, dividing, take up their abode in the human fetus as separate entities at the moment of conception."

I don't know whether this speculation is correct, but I do know that the origin of each human body is a miracle of organization a thousand miles over the heads of today's scientists, who have no credible explanation for such a marvel of hierarchical assembly, particularly given the lack of any specification in DNA or its genes of how to make a human body or any of its organs or any of its cells. Very many scientists have lied about this topic, trying to explain the origin of a human body by telling the fairy tale that DNA or its genes have a blueprint for building a human body. No such thing exists in DNA or its genes.  The hierarchical organization of the human body is depicted in the diagram below. None of the seven higher levels of organization are specified by DNA or its genes. In the post here I quote dozens of scientists confessing that DNA or its genes are no program, blueprint or recipe for building a human body. 

DNA is not a body blueprint

Besides lacking any credible explanation for how there occurs the progression from a speck-sized zygote to the vast state of hierarchical organization that is a full human body, scientists lack any credible explanation for the origin of human minds.  For a discussion of very many reasons why there is no credibility in  the "brains make minds" dogma of scientists, see my site here

For a post describing the failure of scientists to credibly explain the origin of the minds and bodies of adults humans, see my post here, entitled "Why We Do Not Understand the Origin of Any Adult Human Being."  The failure is of the greatest philosophical importance, as it points to the necessity of postulating a purposeful causal reality greater than humans. 

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