Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Spooky Event While I Photographed an Orb

Today while I was taking a photograph of a mysterious orb indoors, I heard my toilet flushing. There was no one else in my apartment, and I wasn't in the bathroom.

If you do a Google search for "ghost flushing," you will find that it seems all explanations for this are the same: "ghost flushing" can be caused by your toilet flapper wearing out.  But the toilet in my apartment has never had a flapper. It's one of those one-piece toilets (shown here) in which there is no box behind the toilet bowl, and no flapper.

The toilet has flushed by itself only two previous times in the 7+ years I have lived at my apartment. Both times were on Halloween in 2016.

I will add this to my list of spooky things that I have observed around my apartment this year, which include 15 cases of an electric toothbrush turning on by itself, and seven cases of my tablet flashlight turning on by itself while the tablet was turned off and lying against the wall (as shown here).

Postscript: Later that day the toilet again flushed by itself. This occurred just after I had returned to the apartment from outside, at the moment the bathroom first came into my view.  There was no further unexplained flushing in the next six days.

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