Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wispy Companions of the Bell-Shaped Holes (Part 2)

 Photo date: December 13, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin.   

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day (among other dramatic patterns) I got a pattern consisting of orbs with a bell-shaped hole or indentation at the top. Such a pattern persisted through almost all of 700+ consecutive photos, and in a large fraction of these photos there were veil-like objects just above the bell-shaped holes.  Below are some examples. Note how the bell-shaped holes were aligned with the crest or top part of the veil-like objects.

red and orange veils

bell-shaped hole in orb

orb motif

congruent veils

bell-shaped hole in orb

veil-like objects

paranormal pattern

veil-like pattern

orb motif

bell-shaped hole in orb

curvy veil-like object

bell-shaped hole in orb

orb veil

orb veil above orb hole

bell-shaped hole in orb

bell-shaped hole in orb

strange veil-like object

curvy veils above orbs

bell-shaped hole in orb

veil connected to orb

colorful stripes in orbs

bell-shaped hole in orb

bell-shaped hole in orb

bell-shaped hole in orb

odd pattern

fortean pattern

bell-shaped hole in orb

weird orb pattern

bell-shape in orb

strange veil-like thing

bell pattern

weird pattern

bell motif

bell motif

bell motif

bell motif in orbs

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