Monday, November 4, 2024

The Orbs and the Apparition

 Below is a passage from page 110 of the book The Other World  by Frederick George Lee, which you can read here

"The husband was often absent, but he and his wife occupied the room in which Mrs. Webb had died, while· their daughter, a girl about ten years of age, slept in a small bed in the comer. ...

Mrs. Accleton, during her husband's absence, having engaged her mother to sleep with her one night, was suddenly aroused at the same hour of two by a strange and unusual light in her room. Looking up she saw quite plainly the spirit of Mrs. Webb, which moved towards her with a gentle appealing manner, as though it would have said, ' Speak, speak ! ' 

" This spectre appeared likewise to a Mrs. Radboune, a Mrs. Griffiths, and a Mrs. Holding. They assert that luminous balls of light hovered about the room during the presence of the spirit, and that streams of light seemed to go up towards a trapdoor in the ceiling, which led to the roof of the cottage."

Friday, November 1, 2024

A Yellow Orb

 Photo date: November 1, 2024. Photographer Mark Mahin. 

Below we see a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

Earlier in the day while alone in my home there was another of very many times in which I noticed a coin that seemed to have appeared mysteriously. I saw a quarter lying atop the middle of the middle cushion of a sofa, very noticeable against a dark blue background. I had been two meters away a few minutes earlier to empty a trash basket, without noticing any such quarter.  I was wearing tight jeans, and there seemed to be no chance that such a quarter might have dropped out of my pockets.