Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Orbs Keep Showing Up For That "I See Dead People" Movie

Photo date: May 2, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I previously had this post and this post showing orbs that showed up while I was watching a ghost movie. While channel surfing last night, I came across the ending of The Sixth Sense, that ghost movie with the famous line where the little boy says, "I see dead people."  The shot below shows the very emotional scene where the little boy reveals to his mother that he has seen Grandma's ghost.  An orb appeared to the right of the TV.

Then there was the final scene where the Bruce Willis character makes a shocking discovery about a ghost. I got the picture below, which shows a blue orb in front of the TV (it was not part of the movie).

Below is a closeup of the blue orb (I used the IrvanView "Auto-adjust colors" menu option on the closeup).  Are those two eyes we dimly see near the top?

orb face
You can try this yourself. Watch a good ghost movie, and take flash photos. See whether any orbs appear. They will probably not appear unless you want them to, and are unlikely to appear if they will scare you (so a lighter mood may be helpful). 

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