Sunday, May 19, 2019

More Testimony of a "Spirit Ball"

The account I quoted in my previous post was the very interesting story of a woman who reported an orb entering into her chest, an orb the woman felt strongly was her grandmother, who died on the same day (as the woman was told a few hours later).  A quite similar story is told in this account of a woman's experience the month after her mother died:

"One night in October, I had just gotten in bed when I saw a ball of softly glowing mist slowly descend upon my bed from the corner of the ceiling.  I was speechless as I saw it slowing coming towards me.  Somehow I knew it was my mother, even though I couldn't discern a body or a shape.  The mist enveloped me as I lay in bed and filled me with feelings of love and calm.  I had the presence of mind not to move or open my eyes, because somehow I knew that it would spoil the moment.  I just forced myself to remain calm and focus on every moment so that I could remember the experience. 

My mother communicated telepathically with me by repeating my name over and over, saying, 'Eve, Eve, Eve, I love you so much.  I love you so much.  Don't worry about me.  Where I am, there's complete freedom, freedom, freedom!  Tell your brothers and sisters I love them and I will always be with you all.'  The mist slowly gathered itself in a ball, once again, and slowly ascended to the ceiling, then it was gone.  I immediately opened my eyes and had this incredulous feeling when I realized that I had just been visited by my mother!"

We have four similarities between this account and the account quoted in my previous post:

(1) In both accounts an orb or ball is seen by a woman, with the orb or ball coming from the ceiling.
(2) In both accounts the orb or ball touches a woman's body, either enveloping it or seeming to enter into it.
(3) In both accounts there there then follows what seems like a telepathic communication between the woman and her mother or grandmother, with a message of love.
(4) In both accounts the orb or ball is seen to exit from the ceiling.

The report of the orb appearing from the "corner of the ceiling" is interesting to me, as the first orb photo I ever took (years ago) showed an orb in the corner of the ceiling.

Speaking of spooky round shapes appearing at the corners of ceilings, here is another account of such a thing, made by a woman describing her father's death, and comparing what she saw to a corporate logo that is kind of a blurry ring shape:

"I had turned to my right and as I turned back around my eyes glanced up toward the corner of the ceiling on my  right and I saw a circle of mist hovering in the corner.  The only way I can describe the circle is that it looks exactly like the Lucent Technologies circle on their sign, like a wide circle with kind of a tail escaping the circle  but it wasn't red it was a hazy mist/fog.  I have reviewed this in my mind a thousand times since his death and I think my dad's spirit had already left his body."

Slightly similar, but not involving an orb, is the testimony of this witness who reports seeing a "mist in the corner of the room" which she identified as her father. She got a phone call later that day telling her that her father had died of a heart attack. 

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