Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Two-Part Pattern Became a Three-Part Pattern

Photo date: April 27, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day I first got a two-part pattern consisting of a hole in the center of each orb and also a hole at the top. Below are some examples:

orb with two holes

mysterious anomaly

mysterious photo

paranormal pattern

paranormal manifestation

paranormal holes

spooky event

spooky occurrence

strange manifestation

supernatural repetition

As so often happens when I photograph falling water drops, the pattern became more complex. In this case, the addition to the pattern was a third orb hole, in between the top hole and the bottom hole, and to the right of both of them. Below are some examples:

orb with three holes

complex paranormal pattern

paranormal complexity

mysterious complexity

spirit orb

paranormal orbs

unexplained anomaly

unexplained mystery

unexplained manifestation

unexplained tried

water drop repetition

water drop holes

bizarre pattern

bizarre mystery

supernatural pattern
supernormal pattern


supernormal effect

mystifying manifestation

supernatural proof

strange trio

circular pattern

paranormal motif

unexplained anomaly

anomalous water drops

water drop anomaly


mysterious water

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