Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Psychologist Saw a Golden Glowing Orb

The Scole Report (which can be read in full here) is one of the most fascinating accounts ever written of inexplicable phenomena.  Observers from the Society for Psychical Research reported their observations of a host of strange phenomena. One of the biggest things reported was mysterious lights floating about indoors. The report is light on photographic evidence, but heavy on eyewitness testimony of paranormal-seeming anomalies.

In Appendix G of the report, we read some testimony by Ingrid Slack, who is indentified as a psychologist at the Open University. She reports the following:

"There appeared a ball of diffused light, which I  estimated to have a diameter of about 20 cm, close to the ceiling...The ball had no physical boundary: it was simply a three-dimensional orb of diffused golden light...Slowly the orb moved toward the center of the room...I became aware of an overwhelming feeling of gentleness and love which seemed to accompany this particular phenomenon or, more accurately, which this phenomenon seemed to embody....I cannot explain why I should have experienced such an intense emotional reaction to the glowing orb." 

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