Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hole/Notch Pairs by the Thousands (Part 1)

Photo date: August 21, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day (among other wonders) I got a two-part orb pattern that occurred throughout almost all of more than 500 consecutive photos. In these photos there were thousands of orbs with a big hole on the left and a big notch on the right. Below are some examples.  You can call the pattern a two-part pattern, although in some of the photos a triangular feature in front of the left hole means we have a three-part pattern.

two-part orb pattern

orange orb with hole and notch

orb pattern

orb three-part pattern

orb motif

inexplicable motif

orb motif

unexplained pattern

mysterious motif

mysterious repetition

baffling recurrence

mysterious recurrence

hole and notch pattern

orb recurrence

supernatural repetition

mysterious motif

uncanny repeat

spooky repeat

spooky repetition

strange recurrence

paranormal manifestation

supernatural manifestation

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