Saturday, May 21, 2022

A Shape-Shifting Glowing Orb?

 In an interesting book by Aleksandr Aksakov, we have the following account:

"About the end of July, 1896, Madam d'Esperance came to Paris for a brief visit. In the presence of five persons [Madam Aksakof, Madam Boutlerof, her friend the Baronne de Zeidlitz, Madam Cauvin and myself], she tried to see how much of her mediumistic power she had regained. She sat upon a sofa, we upon chairs ; the lights were extinguished and we waited in silence, without forming a chain. After a few moments we all saw a luminous ball in the direction of the medium, at about the height of her chest, as it seemed to us. The ball looked like mist, or a luminous fog. It spread out towards the floor, then contracted, assumed the most various shapes, and at times displayed very brilliant points, like small stars. Finally, Madam Cauvin, who seemed to be entirely unfamiliar with such manifestations, thought she recognized the form of an infant. She became alarmed, wished to get away, cried out, and made so much trouble as to put an end to the manifestations. The luminous vapor diminished in volume, and finally disappeared."

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