Thursday, May 19, 2022

Something Very Spooky

 I'm an old DOS man, and have been using command-line prompts since the 1980's, although with today's graphical user interfaces such as Windows, I don't use command-line prompts very often. When I want to record something in a text file, half of the time I'll click on the black icon at the bottom of my screen, go to a command-line prompt, use "CD" to go to the desired directory, and type "Notepad" to bring up an editor. Probably the other half of the time, I'll just click on the Notepad icon. 

Today just after starting up my computer I was about to use the first of these methods. I clicked on my black square "Command Prompt" icon, to get a command line prompt, which looked like this:

I tried to shift to a different directory by starting to type only the "CD" command, but there was no response to my input, as if the computer was frozen. Then, most mysteriously, for no reason I can fathom, the Command Prompt screen changed to look like this:

For this to happen I would have had to have typed this command:


But I typed no such command. I had pressed only two keyboard keys this morning when I saw such a screen, and did not do anything to refer to this "InCaseOfMyDeath" folder or directory in which I very long ago wrote something providing instructions on what to do in case I die. I didn't even remember the directory (which I haven't used in years) existed in such a place. The fact that the directory name ("InCaseOfMyDeath") referred to my own death may have something to do with this mysterious occurrence. Was some kind of spooky death warning occurring?

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