Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Green Orb and Sidekick

 Photo date: September 26, 2022. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

mysterious green orb

Monday, September 26, 2022

Spooky Sign?

Below we see the electrical outlet in the bathroom next to where I sleep. It is a modern-type GFCI outlet that normally shows a green light, except when the circuit is broken. The outlet is about 13 inches above the bathroom's toilet, which is an inch away from the wall containing the outlet. When I go the bathroom in the middle of the night, I see the green light very clearly, because it is the only light source in the bathroom. I don't turn on the regular light in the bathroom when I use the bathroom in the middle of the night, because I have heard that turning on a full light in the middle of the night will make it more difficult for you to fall back to sleep. 

Last night I observed something spooky. Using the bathroom in the middle of the night, I very clearly saw the green light go off, and then turn back on a few seconds later. Nothing physical in the bathroom could have caused this. I have noticed such an effect two times out of about 180 days living at my current address. Whenever the circuit is broken with this type of outlet, you hear a very distinct and loud click sound, and have to manually press the white button to restore the circuit. I heard no such sound either of the times I saw the green light go off in the middle of the night, and did not touch anything to restore the green light. 

I can think of one possible explanation. The mysterious event may be  a sign. The turning off of the light may signify death. The turning back on of the light a few seconds later may signify life after death. 

Before observing either of these occurrences, I had written the following dream recollection in my account of dreams I have had:

"I dreamed that two women came into my apartment, and some paranormal things started to happen. At least once the lights turned off and then on...The turning off and turning on of the light is something I have got repeatedly in my dreams. The turning off may symbolize physical death, and the turning on may symbolize life after death."

Postscript: On October 3, I observed something quite similar to the two events described above. I sleep with a sound machine running, one that I have set to make a "waterfall" sound that I found soothing. I awoke around 1:00 AM, and very soon heard the sound machine (a meter away from my bed) turn off, so I heard no sound from it. Then a few seconds later it turned back on, resuming its regular sound. 

Post-postscript: The event with the electrical outlet recurred (just as described above) on October 11. 2022, which made the third time I have seen this happen. While going to the bathroom at night on October 11 I clearly saw the green light go off and turn on a few seconds later, with no sound. I recorded the time when this occurred: at 1:37 AM. Interestingly, the number 137 is a number of cosmic significance, as you can read about here. Being related to the fine structure constant (an important number related to the habitability of our universe), 137 is one of two or three "pure numbers" in physics, another being 1836 (the ratio between the proton mass and the electron mass). In a wikipedia.org  article we are told that in a book called The God Particle, a physicist named Lederman said this:

"The number 137, according to Lederman, 'shows up naked all over the place', meaning that scientists on any planet in the universe using whatever units they have for charge or speed, and whatever their version of Planck's constant may be, will all come up with 137, because it is a pure number. "

Post-post-postscript: The event with the electrical outlet occurred again on October 25 at about 12:15 AM.  I clearly saw the green light go off and turn on about two seconds later, with no sound. On October 27 I had another dream with content corresponding to such an event, a dream involving a sudden unexplained loss of power, with the power quickly being restored.  On November 7 I six times saw (at various times of the day and night never close to 12:00) a digital clock on a sound machine device have a time close to 12:00. It was just as if each of these six times the power to the clock was being interrupted, and then restored, causing the time to be reset to 12:00 (the clock on this device doesn't blink when the power is interrupted). 

I filmed the last of these occurrences. At 9:11 PM I put a camera next to the clock, turned the camera on to film a video, and went into another room. The clock had the right time when I started filming. When I came back more than an hour later, the clock showed a time of about 12:40.  Looking at the video I took, it showed the power inexplicably turning off at 9:28 and then turning back on a second later, with the clock then showing 12:00.  

Post-post-post-postscript:  The sound machine worked without any abnormality between November 8 and December 10, and I used it every night to make the "waterfall" sound that helps me sleep. On the evening of December 11 the machine started to act strangely again. Between about 8:30 PM on December 11 and about 9:30 AM on December 12, the sound machine stopped running and reset its time to 12:00 a total of about 15 times. There was amazing synchronicity involved.  During these 13 hours I looked at the sound machine for a few seconds about 14 times. One of those times the machine reset its time to 12:00 while I was looking at the machine for a few seconds.  I turned on my fan a few times to make the white noise that helps me sleep, only because the sound machine was turning off so many times. Two of about five times that I turned on the fan or turned it off, the sound machine turned off at exactly the same instant I was turning on or turning off the fan. This was even though there was no causal connection between the two machines, each being plugged directly into a separate part of a double electrical outlet. I estimate the chance of a coincidental synchronicity here as being much less than 1 in a million. 

Post-post-post-post-postscript:  I have seen many additional cases of the green light shown above turning off and then quickly turning back on. One occurred on March 18, 2023, and another time was a few days earlier. It happened again on March 22, 2023, on March 25, 2023, on April 7, 2023, on April 10, 2023,  on May 9, 2023,  on May 12, 2023, on May 21, 2023, on June 2, 2023,  on June 7, 2023,  on July 20, 2023, on August 15, 2023,  on August 18, 2023, on August 23, 2023,  on August 24, 2023,  on September 12, 2023,  on September 27, 2023,  on October 12, 2023,  on October 14, 2023, on October 17, 2023 (twice), on October 29, 2023, on November 4, 2023, on November 14, 2023, roughly around December 1, 2023,  on January 14, 2024,  roughly about January 22, 2024, on January 26, 2024, on March 2, 2024, on March 12, 2024,  on March 15, 2024,  on April 7, 2024, on August 27, 2024,  on September 21, 2024, on November 6, 2024, on December 1, 2024, on February 9, 2025,  on February 10, 2025,  on March 8, 2025, and on March 19, 2025. All of these times the event occurred at night, when the light was off in the bathroom (the bathroom being dark). 

On August 31, 2023 I saw the green light turn red for 1 or 2 seconds before returning to its normal green color. There was no power interruption on that night, with two electric clocks still showing the correct time. The same thing happened at night on May 14, 2024 and on January 13, 2025; and the same thing happened during the daytime on March 15, 2024, on March 17, 2024, and on June 16, 2024. The same thing happened on October 23, 2024, with some interesting interesting synchronicity. Just as I opened a door to approach the bathroom I saw the normally green light as red, with it turning back to green about 2 seconds later. 

On September 20 I awoke in the night to see one of the two digital clocks in my bedroom was blinking, with a time 2 hours and 30 minutes off the correct time, just as if its power supply had been interrupted.  Another digital clock (on my sound machine) in the same bedroom showed the correct time.

Post-post-post-post-post-postscript:  The unit shown in the photograph above can be described as a panel. Searching for the definition of "panel" I get this: "a flat or curved component, typically rectangular, that forms or is set into the surface of a door, wall, or ceiling."  That would seem to fit the unit shown in the photo above. The word "panel" begins with the syllable "pa," which is a word meaning "father." Could all of these mysterious turn-offs and turn-ons of the panel's light (95% occurring in the middle of the night) be some spirit manifestation from my deceased father? I don't know, but I do know that the same panel very mysteriously had its circuit breaker button go off, on my father's birthday, when no one was in the room that has the panel, at the moment I was thinking about my father (as reported here). 

Friday, September 23, 2022

A Green Orb

 Photo date: September 22, 2022. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

Below we see a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

mysterious green orb

Monday, September 19, 2022

A Flower Symbolizing Immortality

Below we see an unplanted Amaranth flower improbably arising at the edge of my all-concrete backyard.  A web page says, "This flower has been associated with immortality and eternal life because it does not die when cut."


A closeup shows the little yellow-colored specks characteristically seen in the long purple shafts of the Amaranth stalks:


And speaking of improbable symbols of good fortune, on September 30 I noticed in my backyard a grasshopper. I can never recall seeing before a grasshopper in New York City, where I have lived for many years. The grasshopper is a worldwide symbol of good fortune. 

grasshopper in New York City
Later, on October 7, I also saw a grasshopper in my back yard:

grasshopper in New York City

My all-concrete backyard in New York City is pretty much the least likely place you could find such an insect, which prefers grasslands.  The 'chevron markings" on the grasshopper identify it as the "Differential Grasshopper," "most prevalent in the central US," according to the page here

Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Chilling Dream

I was there at the scene of  both of the attacks against the World Trade Center. I arrived at the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993, minutes after the bombing on that date, and noted heavy smoke in the ground lobby. I was in the World Trade Center during the September 11, 2001 attack that caused the destruction of both towers. About a year before the September 11 attack, I had a dream that the World Trade Center collapsed. In the dream I was inside the World Trade Center on a high floor, when the floor collapsed underneath me, causing me to fall in a terrifying and apparently fatal plunge, as if the whole building had collapsed. 

Last night I had a chilling dream. In the dream I was at the World Trade Center location, saying, "Now I've lived through three World Trade Center attacks."  The dream unmistakably suggests the idea of a future attack that would be the third attack, although it had no details about the nature or severity of such an attack. I hope very much this dream never comes true. At the WTC site there now stands One World Trade Center, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. I hear it is very well designed to protect against terror attacks. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Psychic Bond?

Today I said to one of my daughters, "You'll never guess what I saw down the street." I gave no clues, but asked her to guess. After a wrong guess of an orange cat, her second guess was "a raccoon," which is just what I saw. No one in our family has seen such a thing on our street before. Later in the day I asked her what I saw in a weird dream I recently had, mentioning only that it involved something odd in our front yard. After a wrong first guess of a snowman, she asked, "Was it a wild animal?" I said yes. Then she asked, "Was it an elephant?" I said yes. The dream I had was of two baby elephants in our front yard. These were the only two times today she tried to guess what was in my mind. Tonight is one of several times in which it seemed as if there was ESP between me and her (two similar cases are described here).

Postscript: One or two times during the 13 days after this event I asked the same daughter to guess what I was thinking, without success. Then on the 13th day I asked her to guess what I had dreamed about, without giving any clues. I thought of a dream involving my father playing baseball catch with my sister. My daughter's first guess was wrong. Then she asked whether it was something that happened in my childhood. I said yes. Then she asked whether it was something happening in my back yard. I said yes. Then she asked whether it was some kind of sport. I said yes. Then she asked whether it was playing catch or some kind of baseball. I said yes. This was the same performance level noted above: one wrong guess, followed by all other guesses correct. On a test with my other daughter (the only telepathy test I can recall doing with her), I simply asked her to guess a thing I saw today, telling her only it was something that I hadn't seen in years. On her fourth guess, she got the correct answer: a grasshopper. 

Post-postscript: On later days (around November 12) I got similar results. I asked one daughter to guess what I had dreamed about, giving no clues. The first guess she gave (a car) was fairly close to the right answer: a red double-deck bus, as both are vehicles. I asked my other daughter to guess what I had dreamed about, giving no clues. Her third guess was a red bicycle, which was close to the right answer, since a red bicycle and a red double-deck bus are both red vehicles. 

Post-post-postscript: I don't do such tests often with either of my daughters -- maybe a single "guess what I dreamed of" or "guess what I saw" test about every 10 days or two weeks, with only one target subject per test. In my latest attempt (on January 7) I merely told one of my daughters I had a dream of touching something, and asked her to guess what it was. Her first guess was "a tree," which was not correct. Her second guess was "a dog," which was correct. I asked her to guess the dog's color, and she answered correctly, "Black." I had dreamed of a black Scottish terrier on my lap. We see the same pattern I have seen repeatedly: wrong on the first guess, but correct on the second or third guess, usually the second one. 

On another test (the first in a few weeks) I was with my two daughters, and told them simply to guess what I had dreamed about, telling them only it was something I could not recall ever dreaming about before. After two incorrect guesses, one daughter guessed a zebra. The other daughter then made her first guess: a donkey. That was exactly what I had dreamed of. 

I see in such tests a "warmup" effect in which there is very often success on the second, third or fourth try. I encourage anyone trying such tests to always allow for several different guesses, with at least a ten-second interval between guesses. 

Post-post-post-postscript:  I was playing with my daughters a word game I invented, one that could be called "By the City Name Only." To play the game, you think of some question prompt involving a city. The answer must be based purely on the name of the city, not any of its physical characteristics or population. 

Here are some examples:

Q. Which city is the most mobile?

A.  Rome, as in "roam." 

Q. Which city has a parent's animal?

A. Moscow, as in "Ma's cow."

Q. Which city is the most hopping?

A. Albany, as in "Al Bunny."

Q. Which city is the most managerial?

A. Boston, as in "Boss ton." 

Q. Which city is the bravest?

A. Boulder, Colorado, as in "bolder."

While playing the game with me, one of my daughters said this: "This one has two answers: which city has a body part in it?" I instantly gave two correct answers: Liverpool (containing the word "liver") and Geneva, as in "Juh -KNEE-va." How was I able to answer so quickly? In the seconds just before my daughter asked the question, I was thinking of exactly that question, and also the two answers. What is the chance of that happening by coincidence? Much less than 1 in a million.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Confounding Circles

 Photo date: September 9, 2022. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below two mysterious orbs I photographed indoors. 

orb pair

Thursday, September 8, 2022

"Stairway to Heaven" Reminds Me of My Dreams

We see below a "stairway to heaven" effect I photographed this morning. The photo reminds me of the hundreds of dreams I have had since November 2020 suggesting ideas of life after death, as described here

stairway to heaven clouds

Friday, September 2, 2022

Boy Orb and Girl Orb?

 Photo date: September 1, 2022. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The indoors photo below might bring to mind the idea of orbs with differing genders. 

blue orb and pink orb