Sunday, January 14, 2024

Freaky Flickers

 Last night I was talking to my wife and one of my daughters about financial steps that could be taken after I die. At the moment I mentioned the hypothetical event of my death, I saw a light to my left mysteriously flicker. I continued my talk. At the moment when I again mentioned the hypothetical event of my death, I saw a different light (one in front of me) mysteriously flicker. 

Last night I woke up and went to the bathroom, where there is a tiny green light that stays continuously on as part of a CFGI outlet.  At the very moment when I was thinking about the lights mysteriously flickering upstairs hours earlier, the green light mysteriously turned off and then turned back on a second later. I have seen this happen about 30 times since March, 2022, as I discuss in my post here.  The light only turns off in the middle of the night, when the bathroom is dark, never during the day. 

One of my family members suggested a hypothesis of lights flickering because of the wind blowing.  That would not explain the bathroom's tiny green light  turning off about 30 times, only in the middle of the night.  Wind blows just as strongly during the day. 

Very many nineteenth century observers reported that physical signs might mysteriously respond to human speech and human thought. There was a massively reported phenomenon of mysterious raps, spooky sounds no one could account for. People developed a practice of reciting the alphabet when such raps were heard. If a rap was heard just after a letter of the alphabet was recited, that letter would be written down. Very often after the alphabet had been tediously recited many times the result would be an intelligible message, often one of many sentences. In very many other cases people would report that mysterious raps would seem to respond to what a person was thinking. For example, a person might ask a rap to occur when he finished silently counting to some particular number, and the rap would occur at just such a time.  Or a person might silently think of some deceased person's name, and ask silently that the name be spelled out. Upon reciting the alphabet multiple times, it might be found that the raps occurred only after letters corresponding to the person who was being thought about.  To read about many such cases, you can read the series of posts here (keep pressing Older Posts at the bottom right to read the whole series). 

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