Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blue-Green Orb and a Yellow Orb

 Photo date: September 9, 2024  Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below two orbs I photographed indoors. 

Today I was thinking of an interesting hypothetical explanation of orbs. Let us imagine some crustacean or octopus at the bottom of some pond or sea, not far from the shore.  Such creatures could never conceive of life on the land such as humans enjoy.  But humans could make little manifestations that a crustacean or octopus at the bottom of the water might notice. A human, for example, could drop pebbles in the sea that might sink down to the bottom of the water. To a crustacean or octopus, a pebble sinking down to the bottom of the water would be a strange anomaly it could not understand.

Just as humans can toss pebbles into the sea that sink to the bottom to puzzle creatures at the bottom, souls or spirits in some higher realm of existence might be able rather easily to make fleeting little manifestations in our earthly realm. One type of such manifestations might be orbs. It might be easy for such souls or spirits to make orbs that appear as fleeting blips in photos. An effort or energy a hundred  times greater might be required to produce an orb visible to the naked eye, such as are often reported; and an effort or energy 1000 times greater might be required to make something reported as an apparition or ghost.  In this analogy, humans are like the creatures at the bottom of the sea, receiving  occasional anomalies we do not understand from beings far more powerful, beings that may want to send signs of their existence. Of course, such ideas are speculation, and the causes of  photos like the ones above are still a mystery. But  the strong pattern repetition effect I have documented here may suggest some intelligent agency at work, with much more pattern repetition than we would expect by chance. 

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