Friday, September 27, 2024

Higher Reality Intrusions: Some Examples

 The average person does not well understand the idea that our familiar reality may experience a sudden intrusion from a vastly different reality.  The idea is that adjacent to our known familiar reality (or accessible to it) there may be some radically different reality, and that there may occur interactions between the two. The idea is best explained by giving some examples of such events we may call Higher Reality Intrusions. I use the word "intrusion" to mean a sudden unexpected appearance of something, something that may or may not be welcome. 

Example #1: An Octopus Experiencing Strange Anomalies

Let us imagine an octopus living at the bottom of the sea. Such an animal has a familiar world of experience that rarely changes much. But occasionally some anomaly may arise that may be a hint of some world of experience vastly different from anything known to an octopus.  For example:

  • A boat may travel above an octopus causing ripples that a very observant octopus might detect above him. 
  • Passengers in such a boat may toss something overboard, which may sink down and land very close to the octopus: maybe a coin or a tin can. To the octopus this is an unprecedented anomaly, unlike anything he has ever seen.  An octopus would be unable to imagine any theory explaining such an event. 
  • Scuba divers from such a boat may travel down to the bottom of the sea, and be seen by the octopus. To the octopus, this would be an unprecedented anomaly, something that might seem like a supernatural event. 

We may note here the utter incompetency of the octopus to explain any of these events. In each case we are seeing an intrusion from an octopus-unimagined world of experience (the world of land-dwelling creatures) into the vastly different world of experience that is the world of experience of the octopus. 

Example #2: Pacific Islanders Experiencing Aircraft and Air Drops for the First Time

During World War II the United States had many bases in remote places in the Pacific Ocean. Such bases were normally supplied by sea, although sometimes they might be supplied by air drops.  Sometimes the air drops would go to the wrong place, landing on some island where there were no US soldiers, but only tribesmen who knew nothing about the United States, and nothing about the existence of aircraft.  

You can imagine how such primitive tribesmen would have reacted to such air drops.  They may have thought that they were seeing visitations from gods, and that they were blessed by divine providence. Apparently many thought this, because there arose "cargo cults" based on such anomalous droppings of cargo.  

To such tribesmen, the droppings of cargo from the air must have seemed like the most paranormal event imagine, something supernatural. 

Example #3: The "Apocalypto" Finale

The 2006 movie "Apocalypto" has a very striking ending. We watch a Mayan escapee and two of his pursuers reaching the sea coast, at which time they experience what to them must seem like the most paranormal or supernatural experience. It is the arrival of voyagers from Europe, in ships unlike any the Mayans have seen. You can watch the finale below:

The end of the movie gives us a striking visualization of a kind of Higher Reality Intrusion.  Before the depicted event the Mayans never dreamed that there existed such a reality as a Europe capable of launching transatlantic voyages, but suddenly such a "higher reality" intruded on the reality of the Mayans. 

Example #4: Visits of "Daughter Craft" From an Extraterrestrial Mothership

Travel between stars is very difficult, and as far as we know there is the limitation that no expedition can travel faster than the speed of light. Such a speed limit should mean that interstellar travel should always take at least years. Partially because of such a limit, UFO theorists do not imagine that each unexplainable UFO is a separate UFO expedition from another star. They instead typically imagine that some very large extraterrestrial spacecraft has arrived (one called a mothership), and that such a mothership launches much smaller "daughter craft" to explore our planet. Where is this hypothesized mothership? Some speculate that it is hiding behind the far side of the moon, or maybe hiding too far away to be seen by our telescopes. 

The underlying theory gives us a good hypothetical example of a Higher Reality Intrusion. The very large mothership is like a little world of experience vastly different from human experience. Visitors from such a mothership may intrude into our reality, being seen by humans as strange UFOs. More dramatically, there may occur some "Close Encounter of the Third Kind" in which humans get a close-up look at the inhabitants of such "daughter craft" launched from a mothership. Regardless of whether such encounters do or do not occur, the scenario is useful for illustrating the concept of a Higher Reality Intrusion. 

Example #5: Mysterious Interactions From Some Spirit World or Paraverse

Now we come to a discussion of Higher Reality Intrusions relevant to the photos on this blog, and the discussions on this blog of people who saw mysterious orbs with the naked eye. There may be a Spirit World or paraverse that can interact with our world. Such interactions may have various forms:

You could use the term "Spirit World" to describe the source of such interactions. But some might prefer to use the term "paraverse" that I introduced in my 2016 essay "The Possibility of a Paraverse" that you can read here. In that essay I gave the diagram below, contrasting the idea of a multiverse with the idea of a paraverse. 


The idea of the multiverse is that there are many other universes which have no causal interaction with our own. Such an idea has no explanatory value. But the idea of a paraverse does have explanatory value. Using such an idea, we can postulate a mysterious radically different reality adjacent to our own, which can interact with our reality, and be the source of Higher Reality Intrusions such as the mysterious phenomena listed above. The arrows in the diagram above represent causal interactions or communication.  Human souls may make sojourns to such a paraverse or Spirit World during a near-death experience, and such a paraverse or Spirit World may be the destination of our souls after our earthly life ends. Just possibly (as suggested by many dreams and near-death experiences) all our souls may have originated in such a Spirit World or paraverse, an idea that I have described as the hypothesis of nonearthly pre-existence. 

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