Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Water Face Effect: A Retrospective

When I started to get face-like structures when photographing falling water drops years ago, I called that extremely startling effect "the water face effect."  Below is a retrospective of some of the most startling examples I got of this astonishing phenomenon. I took all of the photos when photographing only pure, clean water drops falling. 

On this day in 2019 I got very many photos like the one below while photographing only pure, clean water drops falling. 

strange group

Below is a similar photo from this day in 2019 which I got while photographing only pure, clean water drops falling. 

orb group

Below is another photo from the same day, which I got while photographing only pure, clean water drops falling. 

happy orbs

On this day in 2021 I got more than 1000 face-like orbs like the ones below, all appearing while I photographed only pure, clean drops of falling water.

faces in water drops

On this day in 2020 I got many photos showing what looked like surprised faces, all appearing while I photographed only pure, clean drops of falling water.

faces in water drops effect

A similar pattern appeared many times on another day in 2020 while I photographed only pure, clean drops of falling water.

The ones below I photographed in 2019 rather seem to have features resembling eyes, a nose and a mouth. Again, they appeared while I  photographed only pure, clean drops of falling water.

orb faces

To help demonstrate the authenticity of this astonishing phenomenon, I took a video of my camera's viewfinder as I was photographing these mysterious "orb faces." The video is shown below. In the video, you can clearly see the face-like details appear many times in the camera's viewfinder as I was photographing nothing but ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.

I have quite a few other viewfinder videos like the one above, showing my camera viewfinder as I photographed massively repeating orb patterns appearing during the photography of ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling. You can view such viewfinder videos using the link here

To see the complete series of photos showing this effect of mysterious face-like structures appearing during the photography of pure, clean falling water drops, use the link here and keep pressing "Older Posts" at the bottom right. 

This "water face effect" is only a small fraction of the much larger phenomenon under which I got for years dramatically repeating patterns of many different types while photographing falling drops of pure clean water, with there typically being a persistence of some distinctive pattern over many different consecutive photos, with multiple instances (up to ten or more) of the pattern in individual photos. You can see the full extent of that phenomenon by viewing the 700+ photos in the series here, continuing to press Older Posts at the bottom right. 

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