Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Chased by Mysterious Orbs?

 Below is an account from page 10 of the November 1962 Psychic Observer which you can read here.

"Another frightening UFO encounter—a thirty mile chase—was reported by Mr. and Mrs. Richard DuBois, 13481 Shirley Street, Westminister, California. On the night of October 21, returning from a vacation, they were driving along Route 60 in New Mexico. Except for their car, the highway was deserted. It was about 2 a.m., when a 'brilliant ball of white light' flashed down across the car, slowed, then turned back and followed alongside. 'At first, I thought it was an airplane making an emergency landing,' said Mrs. DuBois. But the strange 'ball ’ streaked back into the sky. DuBois’ conjecture that it might be an odd moonlight reflection was quickly disproved. For the bright object again flashed down, raced ahead of the car, then flowed to let them catch up.  'We were really frightened by this time.' Mrs. DuBois reported. And their alarm increased when the strange device pacing them suddenly separated into four smaller, glowing objects. Flying alongside, the formation kept pace with the car until a service station appeared ahead. When DuBois slowed down, the four UFO's flashed upward and went out of sight. 'We were so terrified.' said Mrs. DuBois, 'That my husband drove at 100 miles an hour to the next town. We asked if there had been any reports of flying objects, but people only laughed. They thought was it was funny, bur. we were plenty scared.' "

The account includes this artist's drawing:

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