Recently a video on the site has gained considerable attention, and is being talked about quite a bit on the UFO subreddit here. A helicopter pilot named Jacob Barber is interviewed, and he makes claims of having seen something of non-human origin. The video starts out by asserting that Barber had involvement in intelligence activities, and had a high security clearance. We hear testimony from a few people saying Barber is trustworthy.
Then Barber tells us of being involved in some attempt to retrieve by helicopter a weird egg-shaped object about 20 feet in size. At 9:36 Barber says he got within 150 feet of the object. At 10:48 Barber is very oddly asked a question about how he knew that the object was non-human in origin -- "alien tech." That's a very odd question to be asking someone. At this point Barber fails to give a convincing answer. He says that looking at the object you could tell it was extraordinary and anomalous, and non-human. That is not a good answer. Seeing something strange looking does not entitle you to claim that is something artificial and of non-human origin.
At 11:29 Barber says the object was a white egg-shaped object with no thermal signature and no sign of a propulsion system. He is asked again at the 12:13 mark how he knew that the object was of non-human origin. Again, he fails to give a very convincing answer to that question. He describes the object as ridiculous-looking, but that does not justify a claim of non-human origin. He says that later he heard from someone that what he recovered that night was "NHI," a term meaning nonhuman intelligence. Hearsay accounts like that are of much less value than first-hand testimony.
Around the 13:25 mark the interviewer says that his organization has received footage of a helicopter retrieving an egg-shaped object in a sling. We see what looks an egg-shaped object being carried in a sling-like device. Around 15:13 Barber says there was another object involved, an acorn-shaped object. Around 15:54 Barber describes what he calls a profound-experience while retrieving one of the objects. He refers at the 16:16 mark to feeling an "intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and beauty." The article gives us these quotes:
" 'I felt like something connected with me,' he said. 'I felt like something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry.'
Barber said he had never experienced a feeling like that before.
'It was a very feminine energy. I’ll tell you that it felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense. And it wasn’t like a soul; it was like a frequency that I was connected with. And whatever that force was since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as this sounds, it’s what’s guiding me now, and it’s what’s providing protection for me.' "
At the 19:03 mark he says there is a psychic component to the UAP research.
It is true that reports of UFO encounters and so-called "alien abduction" experiences often seem to have a strong psychic and spiritual component. I discuss that in my post below:
Quite a Few So-Called "Alien Abductions" May Be Spiritual Experiences
Around the 19:31 mark we hear that Barber says he was convinced that he had connected telepathically to a non-human intelligence. We then hear (around the 19:50 mark) Barber speculate that that the appearance of the egg-shaped object was not accidental, that the object was "summoned" by something called the Psyonix Team (or the Psionics Team). Around the 20:13 mark Barber is asked what is a psionic. He answers that a psionic is someone with "astral, temporal" abilities. In the next minute he claims that there was an attempt to use psychics to summon a UFO or UAP to land. At 21:39 someone else (Don Paul Bales) says something that sounds rather supportive of some of Barber's claims.
Around the 25:00 mark Barber says that he and his team got ill, possibly because of the retrieval mission. He describes symptoms such as hair loss that are similar to those of radiation poisoning. Later in the video we have a hard-to-follow account in which Barber describes some involvement in retrieving sensitive hard-drives pertaining to UFOs or UAPs. There is some kind of complicated story in which it is insinuated that someone's life may have been in danger.
The physical part of the account is not all-that impressive, in the sense that a 20-foot white oval object is not very impressive evidence of some nonhuman power. Any number of human powers might be able to manufacture such an object. The most interesting parts of the account are the claim that some team is attempting to summon mysterious visitors using telepathy, and Barber's claim that he had some kind of mystical telepathic encounter while retrieving this object (or a related object) in a helicopter he piloted.
The evidence for telepathy is very good, and the evidence for psi abilities such as ESP and clairvoyance goes back nearly 200 years, consisting of both an abundance of experience accounts and a great abundance of convincing experiments. You can read about some of this evidence in my long series of 68 posts you can read here, by continuing to press Older Posts at the bottom right. We should not throw away Barber's account just because of its telepathic element. Despite some cases of drawing big conclusions about non-human origins based on insufficient evidence, Barber mostly appears rather credible and persuasive as a witness, so his account cannot be summarily dismissed. Instead his account should be noted and preserved, and scholars of UFOs should look for further evidence that might support his claim of people trying to summon UFOs telepathically (particularly people funded by a government), or claims of people having telepathic experiences after encounters with UFOs. The general rule to follow about any report of the paranormal that is even halfway credible is: don't discard, but put it in your records, and keep an eye out for other accounts of the same type.
UFO studies have been dominated by materialists advancing a "nuts and bolts" explanation that UFOs are spaceships from another planet. We can expect that the typical UFO buff may be hostile to Barber's claims. But the kneejerk hostility of materialists to telepathy claims (a topic materialists fail to decently study) means very little.