Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Vaporous Anomaly

Photo date: December 19, 2014. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The phenomenon of unexplained plasma-like clouds photographed at ground level is visually documented at this site, at this site, in the book "The Orb Project" by Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D, and in the book "Beyond Photography: Encounters with Orbs, Angels and Light-Forms," by  Katie Hall and John Pickering. The photo discussed here is consistent with these reports.
These anomalies are sometimes called "light forms" or "plasma clouds," although a Google image search for "ghostly mist" or "ecto-mist" will show the most examples.

In this photo taken in front of a very old house in New York City, we see a strange unexplained thing. There was no mist, steam, smoke, or fog visible when the photo was taken. The weather was clear, the temperature was 35 degrees, and the dew point was 23 degrees. I could not see my own breath in the air. It was no smudge on the lens, as photos taken soon before and after showed no such mist. Following the terminology used on the "Orbs and More" website (where many similar photos exist), I am calling this a "plasma cloud."

Photos taken elsewhere four hours later in the night (when it was colder) produced no trace of any such mist, even when I was deliberately blowing (which pretty much rules out any "your own breath" hypothesis).

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