Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cute Orb and Speeding Orb at Grand Central Station

Photo date: December 8, 2014.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

In this photo taken from a balcony at Grand Central Station (where there was only clean air in front of me), we see some sensational details. First, I'll give the full photo, and then the closeups.  The full photo:

moving orb

Now here is a photo cropped from the top of the above photo (I used the "Auto-adjust colors" menu option of the IrfanView program on the cropped photo). Notice what seems to be a smiling face:

orb face

Here is a closeup image cropped from the bottom part of the photo:

moving orb

I believe this is an orb moving at high speeds (something that is shown in many photos on this site). The orb has made a sharp high-speed right-angle turn, producing what photographers call a ghosting effect (caused when an object exceeds a camera's shutter speed). This shows that it can't be an insect, because insects don't move that fast, and never make sharp right-angle turns. It also shows that it can't be dust as dust never has a shape like this, and never moves fast enough to produce an effect like this.

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