Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Bands in the Baffling Balls

The photos below show some mysterious striped orbs I photographed in recent days.  The second and third ones look so similar you might think they are the same one, but they are different (the third having some green not in the second one).


The consistency of the thickness of orb stripes is astonishing. I have photographed more than 600 mysterious striped orbs, and I would estimate that more than 50% of them have a thickness about the same as we see in these orbs: a thickness about one sixth of the width of the orb.

Another interesting thing about mysterious striped orbs is how they seem to appear in long-lasting "streaks."  When I first started getting mysterious orbs in 2014, I took very many orb photos without getting a single striped orb. Then striped orbs started to appear, and appeared in my photos in great abundance for many months.  But by around December 2018 I started to get a long "slump" in which mysterious striped orbs would appear only about once or twice a month. But by May 2019 the mysterious striped orbs had reappeared in full force, and these days I am getting them quite abundantly.  In short, their rate of appearance varies enormously.

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