Sunday, September 5, 2021

Improbable Recollections

 In my dreams I sometimes notice these days the  strange appearance of people I haven't thought about in ages. The other night I had a dream in which I saw a painting of the late Diahann Carroll.  I occasionally watched Diahann in the Julia TV show she did around 1970, but I cannot recall thinking of her or watching her or reading of her in the 50 years prior to this dream (although I probably heard something about her very rarely during those decades). She had been on the Dynasty show, but I never watched that. 

Two days ago I had an extremely improbable "out-of-nowhere" recollection of the TV weatherman Willard Scott. I can't remember any chain of thought that led to such an "out-of-the-blue" recollection. I hadn't seen him on TV in more than five years, and never watched him for more than a few seconds now and then in the past twenty years or so. The next day he left this mortal realm. 

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