Monday, July 8, 2024

Confounding Cup

This morning at lunch (less than an hour ago) I observed something extremely strange. I heated up water to make coffee, using an electric pot on the left of my sink. To the best of my recollection, I poured water from the pot into a cup with some instant coffee crystals, as I always do when making coffee. Returning to a table, I started to drink the coffee, but found the coffee was cold. I asked myself: could I have failed to heat the pot? I went back to the pot, and found its water was hot and the pot turned off. So how could the coffee have get cold so quickly? 

It is interesting that sightings of ghosts sometimes occur in connection with mysterious drops in temperature. I wonder whether some ghost or spirit involvement is a conceivable explanation here.  But I observed nothing unusual other than the cup having the wrong temperature. The event reminds me of what I reported three months earlier:

"Today (April 7) I also saw something very weird. I ran my microwave oven for two minutes to heat up some pizza. It made a normal 'microwave running' sound during this time. When I opened it up, I found the plate and the pizza were cold, just as if no heating had occurred. On the second try, the plate and pizza heated up as expected."

The microwave mentioned above has worked normally for the past three months, being used almost every day. The microwave oven works in a simple fashion, requiring that the user only select a time length of heating, not a heating temperature. 

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