Saturday, April 6, 2024

An Apport?

Just after mentioning that today was the 100th birthday of my late mother, I found this quarter mysteriously lying on a bedspread I had laid out a few minutes earlier without seeing such a thing. Massachusetts was her home state; and there is an "Ma" at the beginning of .Massachusetts.

This is only one of innumerable spooky things I have seen regarding coins. You can read of many more at my post here. The incidents include a case in which I saw a coin roll up from behind me, rolling on its edge, when I was alone in an apartment.  

Records of seances include very many cases in which people seemed to see things that appeared "out of nowhere." The technical term for such things is: an apport. 

Speaking of spooky things happening on a deceased parent's birthday, see my post here for a description of something very spooky happening on my late father's most recent birthday. 

Postscript: There were two other spooky things on the same day, both involving electricity. In the second one, at the end of the day I saw a green light in a bathroom mysteriously turn off for a second or two before turning on again.  Today (April 7) I also saw something very weird. I ran my microwave oven for two minutes to heat up some pizza. It made a normal "microwave running" sound during this time. When I opened it up, I found the plate and the pizza were cold, just as if no heating had occurred. On the second try, the plate and pizza heated up as expected.  I can never recall getting such an effect. The microwave is a fairly recent model, one with no spinning plate. 

Post-postscript: On April 9 I saw something very weird that had a kind of "apport vibe" to it. On my first look out the window I noticed a bagel about 15 feet above the ground, on a tree right in front of the house where I live. A few minutes later the bagel was devoured by a squirrel.  Below are photos of what I saw. 

squirrel in tree eating bagel

I can imagine a squirrel carrying a bagel high up a tree. But what are the odds that it would then leave the bagel up in a tree, without even taking a decent bite out of it when the bagel was first carried up into the tree?

Post-post-postscript: On October 3, 2024 I  had a re-occurrence of the microwave incident described above. I ran the microwave for two minutes to try to heat a soy burger. When I removed the soy burger, I found it was still cold. The next time I tried to heat it, the microwave worked normally. 

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