Saturday, December 26, 2015

Paranormal Symmetry or 1 in a Million Coincidence?

Photo date: December 24,  2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Terminal in New York.  We seem to see a very astonishing example of "paranormal symmetry" in this photo that I will explain below.

Now let's consider the two orbs in this photo. The orb on the left is a blue orb next to a drawing of the circular clock at the center of the station (the drawing is part of a "Holiday Fair" poster advertising a temporary event at the station).

The orb on the right is also a blue orb next to a drawing of the circular clock at the center of the station. Not only are both orbs about the same distance from the drawing of the clock, but the bottom of both of the orbs aligns with the bottom of the clock drawing.

So what we have is a stunning case of symmetry, in which the appearance of the left poster looks like a mirror image of the right black poster (including two floating blue orbs as part of that symmetry).  These were the only orbs floating in the full photo, which is shown below.

orbs in Grand Central
Now suppose we try to calculate: what are the odds of getting this type of symmetry by chance in a photo? The chance of two orbs appearing in a way that would look this symmetrical is maybe 1 in 10,000. Then there's the chance of both balls looking the same size (in relation to the clock), which is maybe 1 in 10 or 1 in 100. Then there's the chance of both orbs being the same color, which is maybe 1 in 10. The combined chance of you getting all of these things in a photo is maybe 1 in 10,000 times 1 in 10 times 1 in 10, or about 1 in a million.

This is a prime example of what I photograph again and again at this place: orbs that seem to position themselves at nonrandom positions.  See the 152 photos here for similar examples, which include very many photos of things such as orbs exactly positioned on the edges of flags.

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