Friday, July 31, 2020

Veil-Like Things Above the "Knobbed" Indentations

Photo date: July 28, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day (among other patterns) I got a pattern consisting of orbs with an indentation at the top, one with a knob-like part.  Nearby were many veil-like objects.

orb indentation and orb veils

stack of veils

complex orb indentation

spooky indentations

orb notches

orb pattern

orb indentation pattern

complex orb indentation

orb veils and orb notches

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1000 Orbs with the Same Indentation

Photo date: July 28, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day (among other patterns) I got a pattern consisting of 1000+ orbs with the same indentation, which you can see below.  The indentation pattern persisted through almost all of hundreds of consecutive photos.

orb indentation pattern

orb indentation

indented orbs and orb veils

orange orb and orange orb veil

orb motif recurrence

unexpected orb photo

notches in orbs

orb indentation repetition

orb motif repetition

orb pattern repetition

paranormal repetition

paranormal repeats

paranormal pattern repetition

orb notches

recurring orb motif

recurring orb pattern

orb motif repetition

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Companions of the "Circle Under the Top Notch" Pattern

Photo date: July 28, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day I got hundreds of occurrences of a "circle under the top notch" pattern, which appeared in almost all of more than 100 consecutive photos.  In all of the cases below, we see veil-like structures above such a pattern.

orb veil

paranormal veils

veil pattern

orb pattern

orb notch pattern

orb motif

orb notch motif

pattern in falling water drops

paranormal falling water drops

spooky falling water drops

inexplicable falling water drops

repetition in falling water drops

anomaly in falling water drops

water drop pattern

falling water drops anomaly

falling water drops mystery

mysterious falling water drops

water drop marvel

water drop wonder

inexpicable water drops

veil repetition

paranormal veils

repetitive falling water drops

two-part water drop pattern

supernatural water drops

mystifying water drops

strangest water drops