Sunday, July 26, 2020

Day of the 20,000 Spooky Rings, Part 1

Photo date: July 24, 2020. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  On this day in almost all of 5000+ consecutive photos I got multiple orbs with ring shapes inside them, and every single one of these 20,000+ rings shapes were on the bottom left edge of an orb. Normally I don't get a pattern until I've taken quite a few photos, maybe hundreds or thousands. But on this day the pattern appeared as soon as I took my first photo, and persisted throughout the entire photo session.  The next day the pattern was gone.

The pattern often showed a kind of ring within the ring effect. Inside many of the rings there were face-like details. Below are some examples, starting with four that show a face-like appearance inside the ring.

spooky orb face

spooky face in orb

face in spooky ring

water face effect

parnormal pattern

spooky faces in water drops

water drop face

paranormal ring motif

supernatural pattern

colorful orbs with rings

mystifying water drops

water drop photography anomaly

paranormal pattern repetition

gradient color orb with ring

spooky orb with ring

gradient color orb with ring

mysteirous orb pattern

orb pattern repetition

mystifying orb pattern

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