Sunday, July 26, 2020

Orbs at Seances?

The long book "The Voices" by Vice-Admiral William Usborne Moore (which can be read online here) is an astonishing account of seances that occurred in the presence of the medium Etta Wriedt around 1912. Moore and numerous other witnesses quoted in the book describe hearing mysterious voices at these seances, corresponding to deceased friends or relatives.  They often report the voices giving information that was known only to themselves or their departed friends or relatives.  On page 328 a witness reports seeing balls of light floating about at such a seance. We read this:

"Balls of light, white, or sometimes tinted red or gold, floated about the room. They came behind us, and moved up and down in front of us, over our heads, sometimes one, sometimes two or three at a time, in different parts of the room, and again in the cabinet, where they seemed to rain down like oval- shaped meteors."

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