Saturday, March 27, 2021

Orbs in Haunted Houses?

 A 1982 book says this about hauntings:

"A house which is troubled by a haunting apparition is not unlikely to be troubled also by other kinds of disturbances. These include the appearance of luminous patches, balls of light, etc.; the turning of doorhandles and opening of doors; tugging at bedclothes; loud bangs on doors or sequences of inexplicable raps: movement or displacement of small objects; and above all imitative noises - sounds as of the dragging of furniture, the dropping of weights, the breaking of crockery, the opening of drawers, etc., also footsteps, voices, groans, etc., all without any determinable cause. In some cases - generally- called 'hauntings' (45, Chapters 10-12, 15)- phenomena of these kinds may take place without any recurrent apparition, or with only occasional tantalizing glimpses of shadows, misty figures, etc."

Thankfully (because I have very acute hearing and am very bothered by noises) I have experienced only three of these things: orbs (appearing as balls of light in my photos), a mysterious opening of a locked door, and (very rarely) what seemed like a displacement of small objects. 

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