Sunday, March 14, 2021

5000+ Double-Indented Orbs

 Photo date: March 9, 2021. Photographer: Mark Mahin.   

I took the photos below while photographing only ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling in front of a black featureless background.  We see orbs with two indentations, one on the top left and one on the bottom right. Such a pattern persisted through most of thousands of consecutive photos. 

double indented gradient color orb

notched orange orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented striped orb

double indented striped orb

double indented orb

double indented orange orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented gradient color orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented orange orb

double indented orange orb

double indented orb

double indented orb

double indented gradient color orb

double indented gradient color orb

double indented gradient color orb

double indented orb

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